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For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 21:10:21

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
I currently have 6% boot rate, and it says that 4 open games are hidden because of this. Could you implement a way for me to spend coins to reset my boot rate to 0% please? This allows you to create another way for people to spend coins, and it allows me to play with all the cool kids.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 23:36:46

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
have you tried not getting booted?
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 23:37:46

Level 63
You should throw more money at the problem and just buy Warzone Inc. all together!
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 23:38:57

Mantis Daddy
Level 26
I have an idea. You should invite me to 100 games and then surrender instantly. Your boot rate would go down to 0%!
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 23:48:00

Level 58
Yes and make them all practice games, your win rate will remain unaffected

Also players who boot are discriminated against unfairly. Booters are ppl too, okay
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-26 23:59:18

Level 52
Do the lottery games instant boot rate decrease
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 00:34:08

Level 63
I don’t see why you should be able to buy yourself out of boot rate. The point of the boot prerequisite is to minimise boots. You need 100 games without booting to get 0% boot rate. % boot is based on last 100 games rather than all games.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 08:02:23

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Because I am no longer a booter. I do not identify with my past actions of booting.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 10:32:01

Level 63
Then play 100 games without booting
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 10:35:57

Level 62
Indeed, it would seem the easiest way is create games which are fast and lower boot rating.

To incentivise people to come to your lotto games, you can make them coin games, with pre-set distribution (you lose), and then you've used coins to make your boot rate go down.

See, Fizzer already implemented your request.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 11:44:05

Level 61
This is exactly what is wrong with society. The rich see the consequences for their actions and instead of facing them, they run to their bank accounts. The 1% buy their way out of trouble they got themselves in and spare no thought for the 99% who cannot afford to bribe their way out of repercussions. What Marcus is attempting to do is downright disgraceful - Fizzer, I beseech you not to emulate the rest of society, and do not allow entitled people like Marcus to buy their way out of the consequences of their shameful actions. Pope Leo X sold just such indulgences to fund his construction projects - O mighty Fizzer, do not share in his corruption! Marcus says he has changed - let him prove he no longer identifies with his past by working to clear his record, rather than purchasing a forged certificate of innocence. Work is what is expected of the poor, so let it also be expected of the rich!
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 19:50:57

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
@Krulle: But then it would affect my super high 1v1 win rate.

@LND: I completely agree with you, and I am ashamed for approaching this from a coins angle. But I need to convince Fizzer to reset my bootrate in a way that he thinks will benefit him. So I suggested another way for people to spend coins so that Fizzer might actually implement this and I can play games again.

"Work is what is expected of the poor, so let it also be expected of the rich!" I like this.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 20:25:03

old yeller 
Level 60
what is your current boot rate preventing you from doing? so you can’t see 4 games, oh no. play and don’t boot.
a lot of big ffas a diplos have a minimum boot rate to prevent half the players gone after 2 turn.

Edited 3/27/2024 20:26:32
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-27 22:02:56

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Problem solved. Thread closed.

Replies have been disabled.
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-28 12:55:39

Level 58
Replies have been re-enabled
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-28 13:00:57

Level 62
tacky is an enabler.
- downvoted post by Benyyl
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-28 15:32:25

Level 56
I heard bootrate is tied to dicksize
- downvoted post by Benyyl
For Fizzer: New Feature Request: 2024-03-29 21:23:02

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
I second the suggestion to buy Warzone, should only be worth like 10 or 20 bitcoins.
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