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Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-02 23:02:07

Level 61
Eternity (who changed his name to Harmony) and the Clan Harmony are not connected.

Eternity was removed from Harmony Clan around six months ago following unanimous agreement from Harmony Management.

Although he is not in any way affiliated with the Clan Harmony, Eternity will continue to do the following until either he dies or Warzone ceases to exist:

1. Make tournaments for Harmony Members;
2. Write Clan Wars guides;
3. Pretend to be associated with Harmony and get called out on it;
4. Recruit players for Harmony;
5. Play training games with Harmony members if requested to do so; and
6. Other things arising from consultation with Harmony Members

Management of Harmony Clan are comfortable with this, the content of this post was agreed with Eternity in advance.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-02 23:13:47

Level 62
It sounds like Eternity (aka Harmony) is associated with the clan Harmony but not in a reciprocal (one might say harmonious) manner
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-02 23:29:27

Level 61
I think that we're all cool now TR-8Trooper :)
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 04:00:49

Level 59
My full list of accomplishments during last ~6 months:
  • Made 28 Harmony Clan Exclusive tournaments.
  • Recruited about ~50 new players for Harmony clan.
  • Wrote ~10 different game reviews for various players.
  • Made ~30 different training games.
  • Made 6 Harmony Clan 40 player games.
  • Managed recruitment clan "Road to Harmony" (All of its players are at some point, usually within first ~14 days asked to join main Harmony clan.)
  • Have organized Harmony clan player experience survey during last December.

This is only for last ~6 months. I have been in Harmony for ~21 months and during my full stay in our clan I have done much more work for our clan as well. For an "outsider" who is "not connected to Harmony", I sure do a lot of work for our clan.

According to my estimation at least 150 different Harmony players have participated in one or more of my activities during last 6 months. From current ~380 players only 8 have requested to be included in my "do not invite/mail" list and after they made such requests they have been excluded from my future tournament/game invites.

Eternity was removed from Harmony Clan around six months ago following unanimous agreement from Harmony Management.

Conveniently enough Bodski forgets to mention what "crimes" resulted in the kick. Here's the full list:
  • Once misunderstood a player in clan chat and mistakenly muted him for 0 seconds (after which I made it clear that I won't repeat same mistake again).
  • Made one double elimination and two (due to max 160 player invite limit) round robin tournaments per Clan League template (All my activities are optional to join).
  • I wasn't sure that one player should get 2 Clan League spots instead of 1 and wanted to play a team game with him to see if he's skilled enough to have 2 slots.
  • When asked to take 30 day vacation from doing work for Harmony clan, I refused to do so.
  • Making "unofficial" activities.
  • Telling other clan proven spy accounts to stop "spying/poaching".
  • Changing my name to "Harmony".
  • On rare occasions would talk about political topics in clan chat.
  • Telling in advance that I have no plans to ever abandon Harmony community.

(If I forgot any I'm sure Bodski will mention them.)

According to Harmony management I was causing more harm than good for our clan and my stay within Harmony clan was going to cause irreparable harm. No amount of new recruits, training efforts or any other help could offset the supposed harm.

Although he is not in any way affiliated with the Clan Harmony

Pretend to be associated with Harmony and get called out on it;

Actions speak louder than words, no amount of words can deny the obvious. "Call me out" all you want, but you cannot deny the fact that all games/tournaments I made successfully started. For example I never had any issues with filling any Harmony 40 player game. Many players have thanked me for my effort and have also expressed support for my activities.

Players can decide for themselves with whom they associate. If you spend time talking to our players it shouldn't take long to realize that to players what matters is not whether something is or isn't "official", but whether something is or isn't fun. I have talked to our players directly, I know what they do and don't want. My created activities directly represent the wishes and demands of our community.

Eternity will continue to do the following until either he dies or Warzone ceases to exist:

1. Make tournaments for Harmony Members;
2. Write Clan Wars guides;
4. Recruit players for Harmony;
5. Play training games with Harmony members if requested to do so; and
6. Other things arising from consultation with Harmony Members

According to Harmony management this set of plans is not enough to be worthy of Harmony clan membership.

Management of Harmony Clan are comfortable with this

"Comfortable" management would not need to out of sudden half a year later make a public announcement to Warzone community. All of my work is done internally within Harmony clan and at most a thread in Harmony clan forums would have been enough. It's clear as day that the real objective of this thread is to discourage me from continuing my support of Harmony Clan.

Some Additional Thoughts:
  • All of the listed "offenses" are either non offenses or are very mild. Also I always would talk things through after some manager brought an issue and learn from my mistakes.
  • On many issues I would agree with managers and I never tried to stop any of them from doing their work. I actively cooperated with Clan League management and never had any disagreements with their primary manager. I never had any disagreements with Clan Wars management either. I would always respect the final decisions made regarding those activities.
  • One big disagreement involved tournament creation. My position was that the amount of tournaments should reflect the player demands and if more players join tournaments, then more tournaments are made and if less players join, then less tournaments are made. I also believed that anyone can make a tournament and invite our players to it. Some managers believed in order to make a clan tournament an "authorization" process is required, which basically meant 0 clan tournaments made by "unapproved" accounts.
  • No other Harmony player receives this much scrutiny. As far as I am aware as long as someone is being respectful and/or silent, Harmony management never goes after them. To me it looks like there are tiered standards, a tier of standards for me personally and a different tier of standards for all the other players. This makes things look highly personal.

Based on my impressions, some of Harmony managers have a personal issue with me and do not care about merit of my work. To them it doesn't matter how much positive influence over Harmony clan I have, their feelings towards me and their personal egos are more important than the success of our clan.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 04:04:26

Level 59
pal take it from me it's not worth writing that many paragraphs about clan drama. just take the L and move on, do new stuff, find higher and better uses of your time.

one day you'll find a newer, hotter clan and she'll appreciate you for who you really are, foibles and all. you'll have the greatest time together. maybe harmony will be stalking your insta to see pictures of you in the bahamas with your 10/10 clan, but the thing is at that point you wouldn't know or care, because you're not going to get there if you never get over your ex(-clan). hit the gym(ulti template ladder), work on yourself, contribute to the world without trying to impress her, let the memories fade away until harmony becomes just another name that rings a bell, and you'll get to a place you didn't think you'd ever get to

it's time to stop looking back and start moving forward bud
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 04:50:19

Level 59
Don't worry l4v.r0v, I'm not stressed about the situation at all. It's easy to be confident when you know that you're doing the right thing. Harmony management only took the following things away:
  • Fancy Clan logo next to my name.
  • Ability to see Harmony clan chat.
  • Ability to see Harmony clan forums.

That's all they took away. It's barely anything. I can still do all of my intended work. I can still make all of my planned tournaments, games and other clan activities. I can still maintain direct communication with various Harmony players through various means. My activities before and after the kick remain nearly identical.

Harmony management already tried all kinds of ways to intimidate/bully/bribe me and all of them failed. My loyalty to Harmony community is infinite. The success and happiness of our clan players are more important than some random personal convenience. I love helping others and I wouldn't have my life any other way. Anything worth achieving requires effort and I am not afraid of hard work.

My current plans include writing more game reviews for Clan Wars templates. My main priority at the moment is to further boost winrate of our players. According to https://wz-cw.5smith.ru Harmony Clan currently has 48% winrate while Prime has 52% Winrate, so there's a lot of room for improvement. For the next few months I want to primarily focus on helping players improve their skill level and hopefully as result of it we will ensure that Harmony permanently takes a spot ahead of Prime.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 05:23:37

Level 64
Harmony (who was previously known as Eternity) and the Clan Blitz are connected.

Harmony was recruited to Blitz, after being removed from the Harmony Clan around six months ago, following unanimous agreement from Blitz Management.

Although he has not yet accepted the invitation to Blitz, Blitz will continue to do the following until either Harmony or Jeff dies or Warzone ceases to exist:

1. Invite Harmony to clan tournaments;
2. Give him access to our guides;
3. Call him out whenever he pretends to not be a member of Blitz;
4. Demand that he inform all players that Blitz is recruiting;
5. Invite him to training games with our head of player development Linberson;
6. Ask him to run a bi-weekly leadership seminar for the Blitz administrative team;

Management of Blitz are comfortable with this, the content of this post was agreed with Harmony in advance.

Edited 4/4/2024 00:05:14
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 05:38:55

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
since you guys are making weird bullying/clarifications... may i ask for another clarification? why did TSFH join harmony in mass, and leave in mass after one month?

were TSFH members ingratiated for their hard work too? D:

PD: xeno is lying, eternity gave no such permission in advance!
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 05:40:10

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
This is just sad and pathetic.

At least we don't have this nonsense in Prime.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 06:46:30

Level 62
This is way clearer now. Thanks!
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 08:01:54

Level 63
Although he is not in any way affiliated with the Clan Harmony, Eternity will continue to do the following until either he dies or Warzone ceases to exist

Sounds like there is still some affiliation, even if it’s one-way. It’s incorrect to say "Pretend to be associated with Harmony" based on the list of things he has and will do.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 11:17:30

Level 60
To add to Dan's point, As well as his exhaustive list of accomplishments. He is also named after the clan Harmony.

Also with his alt he runs their feeder clan "Road To Harmony".


What's the clarification there?
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 12:04:16

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Oh hey Phakh. Nice to see you around! I already thought you just became inactive.

Edited 4/3/2024 12:05:25
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 15:22:18

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
what sadness. Dunno what to say. I think creating Harmony Clan #2 and taking all memebers would be the good move.

also I don't get why the clan don't take back this loyal member.

Edited 4/3/2024 15:22:50
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 15:29:12

Level 60
May you please reveal, what exactly has triggered the publication of this statement?

As per my understanding, the situation seems to be stagnant for quite a lot of time, and it seemed to me, that Harmony management's position was to leave it in the past.
So I guess, that there have been some new recent events, which served as a trigger to post this new statement. Am I right?
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 15:40:55

Level 61
5S, nothing in particular has triggered this publication, it was a result of a series of coincidences.

1. I discussed with Eternity his intentions and he stated (as he always has) that he will continue - I stated that this was fine with Harmony.
2. I realised during our conversation that it had been 6 months since Eternity was booted from Harmony so thought that it was an opportune time for us to jointly state what he will do.
3. I agreed wording with Eternity and posted (we agreed the wording but Eternity was not in favour of me posting).

It isn't really possible to leave it in the past, so we just confirmed that Harmony Clan is fine with this. My preference would be for Eternity to move on. I think that that would be best for him, but in his own words, he will continue with this until either he dies or Warzone ceases to exist.

There are no recent events other than the conversation between Eternity and myself.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 18:25:47

Level 59
nothing in particular has triggered this publication, it was a result of a series of coincidences.

False. At the start of each month I make a 40 player FFA game and invite Harmony players to it. In the past manager strategy was for one of them to say that "the game is not official", but it didn't prevent the games from starting, so this time around they chose to attempt to make a claims that I "have nothing to do with Harmony clan" and that I "do nothing to support the clan". Here's a direct quote: You do NOTHING to support our Clan, you simply pretend that you are still a part of it.

I counted that in the game chat of Harmony Clan April 40 FFA, one manager mentioned the phrase "HARMONY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU" about 15 different time (I only counted the times when it was said in ALL CAPS). My response was always that the statement is blatantly false, I do a lot of things to support our community and will be doing my best to provide more happiness for our players and help them improve their skill levels.

After this particular strategy had no effect on me, the managers decided that it would be best if they made another public announcement. They already tried to make similar announcement in Warzone Newsletter some months ago and it had no effect back then either.

What Harmony managers fail to understand is that I am loyal to our community and no amount of pressure will make me abandon it. The lives of Harmony players matter. Many players wish for more fun tournaments/games to be made and some of them are seeking to improve their skill level further. I am not going to abandon them just because some outsiders and a few managers don't like me.

I stated that this was fine with Harmony.

If things are fine as is, then why make this thread? If there are no problems, then why complain? If I only do good things for Harmony clan, what difference does it make whether I am or am not officially connected to Harmony clan?

I realised during our conversation that it had been 6 months since Eternity was booted from Harmony so thought that it was an opportune time for us to jointly state what he will do.

And why exactly should Warzone community care about it? All of my actions are meant for Harmony players exclusively, so this information is irrelevant for anyone who is not part of Harmony clan.

we agreed the wording but Eternity was not in favour of me posting

I was against making this thread for the following reasons:
  • It would attract unnecessary attention as this issue can be easily resolved in private.
  • It would harm perception of Harmony clan and also negatively effect public image of certain Harmony managers.
  • It could make less players join Harmony clan, which would harm our future Clan Wars/Clan League efforts.
  • It would make a bunch of trolls show up and some Harmony managers might have trouble handling the stress caused by this.
  • It appeared like the idea of public thread came out of nowhere, so I wanted Bodski to consult other managers and majority of Harmony players first.

When in public it's always important to represent Harmony clan in a positive light. This is especially true for managers as their primary job is taking good care of Harmony community. I believed that making this thread would affect Harmony clan in a negative way and as result I asked Bodski multiple times not to make this thread.

It isn't really possible to leave it in the past

It is. Here are some simple solutions:
  • Invite Harmony player back to Harmony clan.
  • Let Harmony player continue his work in peace.

Harmony community wishes for things to be more peacefully. Please put the interests of our clan above your personal grudges/feelings. Us working together will help more work to be done and as result Harmony players will be happier and more successful.

My preference would be for Eternity to move on. I think that that would be best for him

I have no regrets about sticking with Harmony community. During past months I have accomplished many great things. I helped multiple players improve their skill levels, I also helped a lot of new players discover Harmony clan for the first time and as result they're having lots of fun in our clan at the moment!

It is a great honor to be able to have positive impact over other players. I believe that providing more happiness for others makes world a better place.

I never think about myself being kicked from Harmony clan as I am not a selfish person. The first though that comes to me while on Warzone is how I could provide more happiness for some other Harmony player. At the end of each day I am happy with myself, because I stood for our community and did my best to address their needs.
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 18:34:42

Level 63
What did you do while you were in Harmony?
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 19:43:39

Level 63
For reference https://www.warzone.com/Forum/683120-warzone-community-newsletter?Offset=119.

In this thread:
Once misunderstood a player in clan chat and mistakenly muted him for 0 seconds

In the other:

Eternity has abused his manager's rights when interacting with a clan member.

The incident involved 0 second mute, after a misunderstanding took place. A player proclaimed that I don't value his words, but I mistook his words as him thinking that his words are unimportant. The intent was to erase old messages and then continue conversation as normal.

Eternity is lying about the timeout being a mistake. It was intentional, even if he regrets doing it. It wasn't accidental. With this in mind, it’s impossible to trust what’s said in this thread.

Edited 4/3/2024 22:13:51
Eternity and Harmony Clarification: 2024-04-03 19:43:40

Level 59
What did you do while you were in Harmony?

I was officially part of Harmony Clan from 2022 July ~15th to 2023 November ~10th. I did the following things:
  • Made ~110 different tournaments. Majority of them were made on either Clan Wars or Clan League templates and were primarily meant to be an opportunity for players to improve their skill level. All of my tournaments like any other activity I made were optional to join.
  • I recruited most of Harmony players. When I joined Harmony clan we were at ~55 players. I believe that at various points in time I got at least 500 players to join. A good chunk of these players got inactive at various points and then got removed. I think from current ~370 Harmony players, at least 200-250 were recruited by me. From current 40 Clan Wars participants at least ~25 are my recruits. At least 6 players on official Clan League roster are my recruits and in the full roster list (including those players who don't play in any Clan League games currently), about ~15 out of 24 players are my recruits.
  • I represented Harmony clan in Clan League during 16th season. I played Georgia Army Cap 1v1 template where I went 3-3 and then I played Europe 3v3 template where I was the team leader and our team went 4-2.
  • I was comanager for Clan League 16th and 17th seasons. I never had any major issues between me and my Clan League partner manager. Our joint Clan League management went smoothly and we did a lot of work together ranging from arranging test games to doing player interviews.
  • I managed Official Harmony recruitment clan "The Hodopian Dynasty" during 2023 October-November. In less than a month I got that clan from ~5 starting accounts to full 40 player limit. By the time I got kicked Hodopian Dynasty was almost ready to direct its first players to join main Harmony clan. The large amount of Hodopian Dynasty players got appalled by the abrupt kick and as result less of them ended up joining Harmony Clan.

My main focus during my time at Harmony was to recruit more players. This is the activity on which I spent many many months. The main objective was to ensure that we got enough active players for Clan Wars so we could easily organize a 40 player roster capable of playing on near daily basis.

The plan was that once enough players would play in Clan Wars I would shift to training and game review writing focus and then make sure that our 40 Clan Wars participants would also become strong players. As more players joined more tournaments were made to ensure that the needs of all the different players are met. Different players want different types of tournaments, so more varied tournaments meant more satisfied players.

I was also planning to start making 40 players games too, but the kick from Harmony clan happened before I made the first Harmony Clan 40 player games.
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