Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 03:40:37 |
Level 58
So when you super-ascend, you only get to keep two artifacts. You get to choose them, though . . . right? Just making sure.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 03:47:06 |
Level 58
woah woah woah, can you specify what these 4 options are?
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 03:48:47 |
Level 61
+ 100 AP after super ascending + 1 artifact + 25% AP from levels + 20% faster artifact digging
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 03:55:59 |
Level 58
Okay, second question, when I super-ascend, I get to keep the artifacts of my choosing, including ones in upgrade status. Once I super-ascend, it will still be upgrading, right? I am currently upgrading one to insane and don't want to lose that. I love this game and have been playing it for years. I just want to make sure there are no bugs.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 03:59:39 |
Level 58
I don't know if I want to do dig speed or keep an artifact. I will have a couple Epic status artifacts that will go to waste but dig speed is at the max, so choosing faster dig speed (that exceeds what is available) might in the end be better than saving an artifact. I could maybe sit down with pen and paper and relatively figure this out (what is the increased dig speed?).
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 04:04:03 |
Level 58
Oh, Also, when you super-ascend, do you have to start over at the beginning like when you ascend? I didn't think of that, and if so, I should have done this a week ago.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 04:06:24 |
Level 58
Aw man. That's cool. I thought for some reason I'd be able to hit the next level that was unavailable. It didn't strike me otherwise until now.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 04:12:06 |
Level 58
I don't even need to do the math. That's ridiculous. Losing the couple Epics will be worth it if increasing dig speed is increased, in the long run.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-08 16:44:04 |
Level 22
Keep in mind that you lose ALL your advancements.
Super-Ascending: 2024-04-11 15:59:41 |
Level 58
Once you super enough you will get your artifacts from HCC and WZIB. So while Dig might sound like a good one it likely the least picked. +100 AP is good after around 50 Supers I guess as it beats +.25% AP at that point.
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