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Idle app bonus level?: 2024-04-09 06:01:04

Commander Keel 
Level 22
I downloaded the idle app on my phone to play the bonus level, though when I downloaded the app I was finishing up the China level. Both before and after I finished that level the bonus level never appeared on the app for me, iirc there was a fourm post previously stating you needed to ascend (though I can't find that post again). I eventually finished Europe Huge and Ascended for the first time and was able to get around back to Final Earth (which people said that was the level you needed to beat to unlock the bonus level). Still no bonus level appeared, so I'm wondering if the bonus level was removed in an update later along the way, if anyone knows?
Idle app bonus level?: 2024-04-09 06:10:56

Level 63
I'm not sure which bonus level you are referring to, but idle has a few unlockable levels, so I'll just list all of them:

1) Hardened levels: unlocks after beating the regular version of the level
2) Challenge levels: unlocks after you unlock the Auto Conquer advancement (which also unlocks the idle battles)
3) Super-ascend levels (the levels after Europe Huge): unlocks once you complete your first super ascension after spending 100.000 AP in phase 4 advancements

A long long time ago, when the idle-only app was just released, there was indeed a bonus level in the app (a special version of Final Earth iirc), but that went away about a month after the release.

EDIT : Perhaps https://www.warzone.com/Forum/509200-warzone-idle-app is relevant here?

Edited 4/9/2024 06:24:39
Idle app bonus level?: 2024-04-09 16:55:41

Commander Keel 
Level 22
It was on the idle-only app, I didn't realize it was removed a monther after release, that kinda sucks I won't lie. Thanks for the info, I hope there will be worthwhile content for the idle app at some point in the future.
Idle app bonus level?: 2024-04-09 16:58:19

Level 63
Yeah truth be told youre much better of using he normal app instead of the idle-only app.

The normal app has both normal Warzone and Warzone Idle, so you get 2 for the price of one!
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