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- downvoted post by (deleted)
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-03 18:43:54

🤔Grandpa Richard🇨🇦💣 
Level 63
TD is my friend..everyone get a Life..He's very kind... I think You guys need to focus on clans like Optimum..and them stealing 2nd place in CWs from Harmony and prime? Does Optimum do Alts? Who are Ralph,Qiuse,Alababi,Wobert,Obamium,ricopols,orcinus,Jackie Treehorn,Wismerhill,Lumumba,Goldenouille? They seem to have recruited alot, I'm sure most aren't Alts, I just don't follow Optimum enough as they hid in the Shadows , and once in awhile come out to play..

someone help me? But the biggest question I have is " who is the Grape Ape"????? Help the Old forgetful man..thanks 😀😀

Edited 5/3/2024 18:45:10
- downvoted post by Truth Dragon
- downvoted post by Truth Dragon
- downvoted post by Melody
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-03 18:50:58

Level 59
Making a forum post to raise awareness that a level 50 new account that is in myth busters is an alt is quite possible the most redundant action you can make
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-03 19:02:51

Level 64
If we only knew who he really is!
Then all of this would be for nothing.

Then what would we do?

Time will show if we ever get to know.

Someone once said:

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you".

I hope Dan finds his truth and TD dont have to bear his story all alone forever.

Have a nice evening everyone!
- downvoted post by Morg'th N H'Throg
- downvoted post by Min34
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-05 11:21:40

Level 60
Guys youre taking this too far. Who is truth drangon was never about finding out who truth drangon was. It was all about dan learning how to spell truth drangon correctly.

As a proud harasser of TD, and someone who has been constantly pissing him off by beating him over and over and over (check out our ladder game, I even beat him with 3 picks). I think there is a BIG difference between mildly trolling someone (correct me if Im wrong TD, but id say we keep things civil between us and its all banter) and someone like 5S trying to bribe stalls. Similarly, I can see how it rubs people the wrong way when you say youre new and then you beat them (Proof: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/309517-1v1-ladder-staller-ralph-unicorn). I can also see how blocklisting players while ranting in GC might not be the best of solutions. HOWEVER: Quite a few people are coming after TD pretty hard, and I know how that sucks. I think its perfectly reasonable for TD to be defensive about it, after all the dude made a new account and did some mediocre moves and all of a sudden there was a forum thread about him.

I have been on the receiving end of negative attention and harassment from this community before and Id kindly ask you all to stop. We don't want to push people out, who cares if a player makes a new alt and wants to start fresh? If you're one of the few who cares about it then suck it scrub.

But most importantly, his name is Truth Drangon. Don't forget that.
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-05 17:51:09

Truth Dragon
Level 58
Yes, as i said, Dan's thread was useful so that i could warn people who complained about me, creating a community and kinship between haters! The mild harassment was fun, and useful, even. Even if Dan blocked me (despite how nice i am!) i still like him.

I never expected to blocklist a clan leader, though. I believe people play warzone to play against other people. If you want to play against a bot, you go Single Player, play til elimination, and bore yourself there (unless you have autopilot). So, yes. The only harassment i'm pissed about was 5S shaming me in chat against my clanmate, and shaming the community forcing users to play against autopilot

And about MB... i just asked for a chance. My original intention was to unveil every mystery of Truth Drangon to them after trust was built, but... now i will keep the mystery til the last breath of this acc (or til Fizzer Himself asks).

Though i like my online persona to act like a child, i dislike attention. I'm just having fun. Have fun searching, I'll keep my name in the ladders' leaderboards just for you vultures to talk behind my back ;)
I also won't talk to, or about, FiveSmith anymore. Void is killed with hunger. Dont feed the trolls.

Soon you will see what this 'mediocre' play is capable of! >:D

Won't talk here again. Keep seeking the Truth, and... Have fun, guys!

EDIT: Sorry for the drama. i really didnt care about guys hating me for being new or tracking my IP. I actually like the mild, accidental, and occasional attention, i guess?

Edited 5/5/2024 17:53:39
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-05 18:25:40

Level 65
There is only one possible conclusion: TRUTH DRANGON IS TRUTHSEQUENCER
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 02:11:06

🤔Grandpa Richard🇨🇦💣 
Level 63
People still do care here's proof😂😂


05/05/2024 17:51:26
yeah but to some cringe alt it sucks
L65 0P octane
you realize no one cares who your main is, right?
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 02:55:03

Level 59
Seems to be a pretty natural response to a couple of taunts
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 03:10:29

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
The problem is when someone taunts you and you don't go away they may taunt you a second time.

I know this for I am wise in the ways of science.
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 08:32:13

Level 58
TD taunted? Seems pretty unfair to say lol
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 10:19:29

Level 59
Maybe I'm overanalysing it, but I think saying 'wp' to the guy who just lost is kinda condescending.
Who is Truth Drangon?: 2024-05-06 10:32:31

Level 59
Anyway, let's just assume this was just another instance of text miscommunication and leave it at that. I think it was kind of unfair to post that gamechat, Octane's not the first and won't be the last person to react poorly after a loss. Happy alting truth drangon.
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