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Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 08:25:29

Level 62
as far as I know you have to resubmit the new template, however it has been done quite successfully in the past with elitist Africa, guiroma being even more popular that step will probably not be such a headache, the more likely problem is that there will be two guiromas in the top 40.

yea, for guiroma, i can see it happen. But regarding QM, guiroma is only one out of 4 templates on the map (and the one with the least votes aswell), so i doubt the others would make it. And even if they try, it d be pain.
Would be cool if there was a way to adjust such things without having to submit a new template.
Not sure how exactly that d be implemented tho
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 08:44:07

Level 62
right, I forgot there were others.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 10:54:53

Level 63
Feels like the remake is missing some color. The original looks better to me. I dont see anything wrong with the original though.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 11:27:38

Level 62
Feels like the remake is missing some color. The original looks better to me. I dont see anything wrong with the original though.

Color comes from the players. The colours in Imp. Roma just make things confusing (cant use blue or green).
Lionhearts version looks far superior to me, but beauty is a subjective i suppose. But player-colors in the map is objectively bad.

Edited 5/3/2024 11:28:50
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 11:41:30

Level 63
Are you really unable to differentiate background from territories owned by players? Just change their color by clicking on Name > Change Color. Imo it's just wasted time and effort to create a map only to change background color.

The background in original to me looks better. It isn't a flat color and clearly aren't territories.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:05:48

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I think the purpose of the requests was not to make a bad map a good map. Imp Rom is or has been a nice map before. But some players wanted a Imp Rom version in a Lionheart style.

The adjustment of the colours is a nice to have in this regard, when Lionheart is on it anyway. It could have stayed blue and green, but maybe in a different shading than player colours. But I think that is up to the drawer.

Certainly I see Dan's point too. Why making something what is already there? But on the other hand why not? Car designs are adjusted, company icons are adjusted, ... Look on the evolution of Google or Excel Icons. From how flat they have been when they have been created first to how they look nowadays more optically pleasing. So also a great map like Guiroma may need an optical update. You may use it or you may use it not not.

That then is up to you.

Edited 5/3/2024 12:06:17
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:08:38

Level 56
Just change their color by clicking on Name > Change Color

thats what i do, but i feel like i shouldnt have to :D
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:34:34

Level 63
I've gone through all the reviews of the original map.

The only constructive criticism I can find is:

This is even worse than the other roman empire map, and that is really saying something.

northern border is not historic exactly and some names of territories are wrong

A fine map, altough it's worse than other romans maps on this plataform.

this is a nice one, looks could be updated but lots of interesting templates

It is extremely unbalanced, small groups of territories have the same bonus as bigger groups of territories, it definitely leaves you a dark taste in your mouth.

It is very hard to see the territories! :(

Which idiot made this map?
Not balanced piece of ****.
Most territories has a wrong names.
Author is complete noob in mapmaking.

Practically every other review is positive (once you exclude reviews about game settings).

Only 1 review out of 658 claimed that background was an issue
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:46:44

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Great effort going through all that comments. Seems like you really really much dont like the colour change then.
Well.... Personally I dont care too much. Not enough to debate on that.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:52:56

Level 63
To me, the background of the original map is one of the things that adds value to the map. The remake's background is worse.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:55:40

Level 58
Ahhh, he turned it from a children’s map to a real map!!! Feelings!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:56:03

Level 58
In all honesty I will miss the old map but you’d have to be blind to say the new one isn’t better :)
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 12:57:23

Level 58
It is more professional, better drawn, more appealing/aesthetic, and gives even a Roman vibe. Seems perfect? ;)
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 13:39:47

Level 65
Agree with Frog and the others that the new map is great and the old one is super ugly. I actually had Guiroma vetoed on mtl for a long time simply because the map is ugly as heck. Now I’m considering vetoing it again because of random move order. Please change that, too :)
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 14:15:59

Level 60
idk if its on purpose, but the territory Thracia has different borders on the previous map

https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=72163 - previous
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=105356 - new

Overall far more realistic than the previous version, spectacular^^
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 14:32:53

Level 62
Hi 7ate9!

Thanks for reviewing this missing connection. I'll fix it.

In this week I'll post more than one version of the map for voting.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 14:37:27

Level 58
Nice catch 7
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 17:30:03

Level 63
Here is the link I want to share about the map under construction:


Looks awesome Lion!!!
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-03 17:40:23

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I am not sure about the small isles between Illy and Turkey. They might be more correct. But they are very close to each other, as to not be connected. The old map kept them outgreyed. By that the territorries and connections was clearer.
Guiroma map reamake: 2024-05-04 15:36:51

Level 62
Im working on the second remake version of the map:


Imo the land background brownish color fit better than the first version.
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