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Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 21:17:44

Level 63
wasn't counting actually, but it wasn't that many, maybe 6-7, with these big maps and lots of artis/etc, the interface is so slow, it can take 10+ secs to execute a single SAC so was worried about the 1st few running out of time before i had a chance to do too many

anyhow this record should stand for a while, no hurry (:

@Norman, LOL yea i figured it might ... it was a 1/2 trillion request after all, haha; it's actually surprising you have so many armies considering the map looks like it's mostly uncompleted -- is what it looks like at first glance but no it's just your player colour is similar to the uncaptured territory colour but i see your army income is 2.21M/sec so actually quite high, you might be able to take the CLAN REQ record if you threw down a bunch of SACs

Edited 6/25/2024 01:38:28
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-07-11 09:47:35

Level 60
Lol, Mate replayed Tutorial and he could request 85K when the most difficult territory is ~900
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-01 04:22:07

Level 63
In case anyone is curious ... in order to get a request as big as what you've seen from Xeno and myself:

- you need to max out the army camp upgrades
- the early army camps have the most upgrade levels, some levels have the first camp go up to L50-ish
- the max level goes down with successive army camps, but the price gets higher
- the later levels of all army camps are super expensive, each of them going into the "P" for money requirements (1P = 1000T)
- for the army camps tend to max out somewhere in the range 57.4K/sec and 62.4K/sec, depending on the army camp and it's max level, and the max level upgrade prices range from 1P to 4P for most of them, the last few from 5P-7P, and the very last one is a beast on its own altogether (see below)
- you will not have enough money from the level/markets/caches/crafting/etc to buy these upgrades, and you need to rely on the Discount Army Camp artifact to upgrade them (Insane makes it 100% discounted = free)
- upgrade all the army camp Techs, upgrade Increased Army Camp Production advancement to 500%, buy the SuperCamp
- activate the mobile army camp bonus, equip Insane Army Camp Boost artifact,
- then cast some SACs on those maxed out army camps (it's a damn shame one can't SAC the SuperCamp, would be 5.36M armies/sec compared to the 1.69M of the highest regular army camp)
- finally, spam the 'Clan Requests' button until you get a high #

I did my 519B clan req on Hardened Triskelion with approx. 6 camps maxed out. We'll see what # I get once HT is fully upgraded. Just 1 more army camp to go with likely a few levels left but it's L14 giving 68.5K, and the L15 upgrade costs 46P, the biggest upgrade I've seen in the game yet. Probably 1-3 more upgrades to go for Repunishak still, but all the others combined (no SACs) give 2.77M armies/sec income, which has given a max 76B clan req in about 50 attempts

Here's what the various army camp levels & incomes look like:

Edited 8/2/2024 02:00:38
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-02 22:07:32

Level 40


In-game statistic say Armies per second: ₳4.5103M
My spreadsheet says 4,510,284.15 armies per second if we are splitting hairs.

As I said before given the same amount of SACs used I should be ahead 😉. If someone can convince Fizzer to spot me a ton of SACs then I can put up a 2.0T to 2.3T CR and call it a day. I expect it to be ~2.2T due to RNG.

Edit: Still, that is dedication to max HT. I expect the last AC to max in 1 more upgrade so almost done.

Edited 8/2/2024 22:09:03
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-08 04:50:09

Level 63
Looks like you're right, couldn't seem to cross 2T on HT after 50 or so refreshes; shows as 1.9T on my side, 1.89T in chat, 1.9T on the display once filled

Edited 8/8/2024 17:14:33
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-08 13:50:22

Level 58
I filled it.
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-08 17:15:09

Level 63
How many armies you down to now, Norman? That must have been a chucky reduction
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-08 18:57:22

Level 40
You needed to hit 74,192,782.53 armies per sec to hit 2T. Your theoretical max was capped at 1,945,464,470,370.72
troops while the realistic max was capped at around 1,867,645,891,555.89
which matches your 1.8T vs 1.9T experience. You really did get an extremely good roll for that 1.89T since my definition of realistic max is basically 4% away from max.

Edited 8/8/2024 19:00:36
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-08-08 20:26:58

Level 58
74 trillion, @krinid.
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