In case anyone is curious ... in order to get a request as big as what you've seen from Xeno and myself:
- you need to max out the army camp upgrades
- the early army camps have the most upgrade levels, some levels have the first camp go up to L50-ish
- the max level goes down with successive army camps, but the price gets higher
- the later levels of all army camps are super expensive, each of them going into the "P" for money requirements (1P = 1000T)
- for the army camps tend to max out somewhere in the range 57.4K/sec and 62.4K/sec, depending on the army camp and it's max level, and the max level upgrade prices range from 1P to 4P for most of them, the last few from 5P-7P, and the very last one is a beast on its own altogether (see below)
- you will not have enough money from the level/markets/caches/crafting/etc to buy these upgrades, and you need to rely on the Discount Army Camp artifact to upgrade them (Insane makes it 100% discounted = free)
- upgrade all the army camp Techs, upgrade Increased Army Camp Production advancement to 500%, buy the SuperCamp
- activate the mobile army camp bonus, equip Insane Army Camp Boost artifact,
- then cast some SACs on those maxed out army camps (it's a damn shame one can't SAC the SuperCamp, would be 5.36M armies/sec compared to the 1.69M of the highest regular army camp)
- finally, spam the 'Clan Requests' button until you get a high #
I did my 519B clan req on Hardened Triskelion with approx. 6 camps maxed out. We'll see what # I get once HT is fully upgraded. Just 1 more army camp to go with likely a few levels left but it's L14 giving 68.5K, and the L15 upgrade costs 46P, the biggest upgrade I've seen in the game yet. Probably 1-3 more upgrades to go for Repunishak still, but all the others combined (no SACs) give 2.77M armies/sec income, which has given a max 76B clan req in about 50 attempts
Here's what the various army camp levels & incomes look like:
Edited 8/2/2024 02:00:38