The first hot news!
# Episode 1: Autopilot in the Seasonal LadderToday I have finished my 20th game in the current seasonal ladder.Q: How did I do that so fast?
A: Autopilot! (thanks Norman! ;) )
Q: What are my results
A: 8 wins vs 12 losses. Currently ranked ~220th with a rating of ~2400.

Q: Biggest achievement?
A: At some point I did achieve the 1st rank in the season (which is forever now in my WZ profile)
Unfortunately I was not able to get to ranks with rewards :( But that might be also because, WunderWaffes didnt know how to play blocade cards (are they crucial for this template). In other templates, the rank might be higher.
So, what do you think?
How high can one get with autopilot in regular ladders?
Edited 4/30/2024 17:18:55