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>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:01:37

Level 60
The Prime Hour text podcast is finally here!

All the juiciest Warzone news from the most reliable sources in a single forum thread.

- Community Newsletter - dead!
- Recruitment threads - outdated!
- Global chat - scrolls out too fast!
- Sus dicord - great, but very sus for an average Warzone Joe.
Why would you need many forum threads, when all you need is a single good one!

So what is a text podcast?
A podcast in a form of text.

Who are the guests?
You are! You are all invited to share your opinion on the topics discussed here.

Is this podcast sponsored?
This podcast is brought to you with the support of our friends from clan Prime!
They are recruiting idle and classic players, compete in all major Warzone events and offer a great range of perks and benefits!
Check them out at: https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=263


# Episode 1: Autopilot in the Seasonal Ladder https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=1
# Episode 2: Exodus from Celtica https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659?Offset=25
# Episode 3: A bridge to Warzone Community Newletter https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=38
# Episode 4: CW season 47. OP pushed, but MB's reign continues https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=39
# Episode 5: Clan and CW changes are coming? https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=40
# Episode 6: Game stats dump https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=48
# Episode 7: DanWL leaves Warzone. https://www.warzone.com/Forum/757659-prime-hour-click-now?Offset=57

Edited 7/13/2024 19:50:26
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:01:58

Level 60
The first hot news!

# Episode 1: Autopilot in the Seasonal Ladder

Today I have finished my 20th game in the current seasonal ladder.

Q: How did I do that so fast?
A: Autopilot! (thanks Norman! ;) )

Q: What are my results
A: 8 wins vs 12 losses. Currently ranked ~220th with a rating of ~2400.

Q: Biggest achievement?
A: At some point I did achieve the 1st rank in the season (which is forever now in my WZ profile)

Unfortunately I was not able to get to ranks with rewards :( But that might be also because, WunderWaffes didnt know how to play blocade cards (are they crucial for this template). In other templates, the rank might be higher.

So, what do you think?
How high can one get with autopilot in regular ladders?

Edited 4/30/2024 17:18:55
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:06:17

Level 60
How a show can be good without raffles and activities? It cannot!

That's why:
- the next 20 unique (no alting) Warzone players to post a relevant message in this thread will get a coin each ;) (You dreamed of non-luck based raffles, here it is!)
- if this thread get highlighted, instead of one coin, everyone will get 5 coins! Yay, go smash that "Like" button!
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:07:03

Level 62
Liked and Subscribed!

Thanks based FiveSmith
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:10:25

Level 63
next 20 unique (no alting) Warzone players to post a relevant message in this thread will get a coin each ;) (You dreamed of non-luck based raffles, here it is!)

Haha, you just did it again, you're a marketing genius 5S!
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:17:32

Level 58
Not sure if this podcast pertains to me

Congrats on 1st place tho!
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:18:32

Level 62
Prime is a very nice and friendly community and we have high member retention!
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:22:47

Level 60
Not sure if this podcast pertains to me

This is like the Community Newsletter but in a more modern and trendy format (plus more convenient maintenance).
I hope you will like it.
Next time we will be discussing, what the chances of MB retaining top-1 in CW in this season.

Congrats on 1st place tho!


Prime is a very nice and friendly community and we have high member retention!


Edited 4/29/2024 19:23:53
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:23:41

Level 61
I assume that this is a text transcript of a podcast that already aired?
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:24:57

Level 60
I assume that this is a text transcript of a podcast that already aired?

This is a straight-to-text media. Basically a revolution in podcast format, when you stream directly to text. ;)
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 19:32:35

Level 58
Sorry, was just trying to be funny, I will love it. Even if it’s just about Prime, your content is amazing. Thanks 5s
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 21:14:21

Level 62
I saw a request to leave "a like" on this thread, so here's a relevant song:

>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 21:17:41

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
I was going to quit but I brokeback mountained and well I can't quit you guys. No homo.
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 21:18:25

old yeller 
Level 60
make your peace morg
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 21:21:18

Level 60
Nice Idea the text podcast, I want to make talking blog
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 21:22:07

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
First you gotta make the money, then you get the power, then you get the clam.

erm, that actually works well with the original quote.
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 22:50:54

Level 63
Would the autopilot AI you’re using for this seasonal ladder outperform you if there’s a future seasonal ladder season that the same AI can be ran on?
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 22:52:12

Level 63
Only if Norman updates Wunderwaffe in the mean time.
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-29 23:37:30

Level 59
imho you should lead with the clan link and the sponsorship message instead of burying it near the bottom

also i think someone's already tried wunderwaffing the 1v1 ladder - Nex / Realtor / Forbidden Knowledge, iirc.
>>Prime Hour<< (Click now!): 2024-04-30 08:04:16

Level 65
I would be interested in some news on new clans, e. g. I just discovered Danger Close exists and is quite active and I know nothing about them
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