Clan Rankings: 2015-02-19 07:45:38 |
Thomas 633
Level 56
sorting options such as: Average level of players Minimum level of acceptance Total points earned Points/players Name
Clan Rankings: 2015-02-19 13:06:33 |
Level 58
What about those diverse clans that do a little bit of everything?
Clan Rankings: 2015-02-19 16:19:08 |
Dutch Desire
Level 60
The clans should be ranked on how many points they have gathered in the last 30 days. Next to that: the amount of player in a clan should be limited to 99 players. This will encourage players to score a lot of points and encourage clans to have active members, what should also improve the quality of the clans.
The improve the quality of the clans > more players liking this game. Incurige of activity > more income out of the ads.
I don't think warlight should try to make a clan ranking based on what clan the best players/performance has.
I like that suggestion ^
Also, Fizzer has said he is working on potential official arenas for clans to prove their skill. Clan wars are in the pipeline! source:
Edited 2/19/2015 16:22:55