The three, and only three options are my current name.
Morg'th N H'throg,
Princess Sofia
A Pimp Named Mayonnaise.
I suppose I could go with Princess A Pimp Named Morg'th N H'throg but I don't think that would fit. Also it's a bit much.
I like Morg'th N H'throg. As a life long fat guy My heart... well the parts not clogged by cholesterol go out to my ogre brothers. 'N Thorg, also known as Morg'th N'Hthrog, or "The Ballista", was an Ogre and Team Captain on the Chaos All-Stars.
The alternative spelling is the one used in the edition of BB that I first used
Morg'th is the one I've used a few times before WZ and is a historical favorite. I am no tough guy but again, fattys represent yo.
Then there is Princess Sofia.
From the movie How to love a guy in 10 days, the female lead refers to the male lead's Mr Happy as Princess Sofia and he gets all weirded out saying it should have tough name like Krull the Warrior King, but I kinda like it, and it makes some of the stuff I do less gay by giving it a female name ;)
Also it weirds out some of the squares which is always fun.
Then there is "A Pimp Named Mayonnaise" inspired by "A Pimp Named Slickback" from the TV show Boondocks. I pimp bank stocks and Lifecos for their dividends.
Companies better have my money,
come rain sleet or snow, my shares better have my money,
not some, not half but all my cash
or I break my foot off in their ass. [Superfly from I'm gonna get you sucka IIRC]
One day I challenged myself to come up with the whitest pimp name possible. I think mission accomplished to the point that if I ever win a big huge lotto, I'll get a Rolls Royce Ghost in purple and have that written on the side in gold, and get myself a pimp suit and a suitable license plate like PimpMayo or APNM
A Pimp Named Mayonnaise is also fun but alas everyone just calls me Mayo and half the gimmick is that much like A Tribe Named Quest you should say the whole thing. I get why people don't, but still. Also if I ever start my own clam, there is an option. A clam called "A clan named Society of Pimps", with a rule that everyone changes their name to "A Pimp Named <user name>"