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Waiting until the last minute to take your turn: 2024-06-11 21:05:46

Level 63
There is the possibility that 5s made a script specially to take turns as a possibility that was adapted to do just that https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/494333-anti-staller-autopilot. I made that script so that his curiosity would be fulfilled on auto clickers in wz. (The script is unlisted, so on the deep web, so that it couldn't be directly linked to anyone). I don't know for certain if he's using the script outside of the purpose it was made for. I made it in response to a thread he made. If I get banned for making such a thing, there's others I could lead to, including current mods such as JK_3 and sending automated messages, which is against TOS. I made a script that could do that but Fizzer removed me as a time-out mod. But yet the https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=51149377162&u=HBF%27s+wzib+bot_1 still remains as part of JK_3 making it and otto maintaining it. If i get banned, so should those 3 at the minimum.

Edited 6/11/2024 21:06:30
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