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: 2024-06-08 07:01:33

Level 61
Rudeness is not the same as not using boilerplate, allthough it can easily be perceived as such (for example not saying gg can be perceived as rude, as saying gg is the norm by now).
However i would strongly distinct between removing boilerplate and actively being rude. When actively being rude, you put in some level of effort to get the negativity across.

I think a good example is to see differences between countries, for example USA and Germany.
I ve seen cases of Americans starting in a german company and being absolutely gutted after the first week.
They felt treated horribly, even mobbed.
Truth is however, that america just has a bunch more social boilerplate. In a company meeting, messages are watered down a lot more. You have extended, meaningless "how are you?" talks.
If you now suddenly, when being used to this, enter a german environment and someone just very directly tells you the situation, this will hit a lot harder than if you are used to the directness.
However, this is a case where noone is actually being rude, just communicating differently. Only because there is less social boilerplate in germany compared to the US doesnt mean germans are always rude to each other.

Once a gesture becomes norm, i dont see it adding anything anymore. It became meaingless and a waste of time, however its hard to remove as this would be seen as direspectful by those few who do it.

Also it becomes hard to now actually give postive feedback. What if in todays world i want to express that this was truely a good game? gg wont cut it. Maybe gg wp? could work and if enough copy it, it may just end up being the next lvl of boilerplate

Edited 6/8/2024 07:08:38
: 2024-06-08 07:02:44

Level 63
You need option 3: say want you like or dislike about them.

“gg” when you’re the one who won could be the same as being a ‘sore winner’ but trying to hide it in a way that isn’t directly an insult but could still be implied in a rude way.
: 2024-06-08 07:11:19

Level 65
gg ez
how to increase the bot difficulty??
: 2024-06-08 07:26:23

Level 63
I think the most respectful thing is to abstain from saying anything. But then you might be called out by opponent about ’lack of sportsmanship’ but in the end it’s that player being rude imo because you didn’t say or do anything rude.

Normally I immediately switch to another game after the current game has ended and someone writing a message after the game has ended forces me to open it so that the game is no longer in my dashboard. It’s actually quite inconvenient.

I wouldn’t say that “gg” and handshakes at end of game are equivalent.
: 2024-06-08 07:37:31

Level 61
gg ez
how to increase the bot difficulty??

i assume "ez" stands for "excellent (war)zoning"
And in order to reach my opponents level of mastery, i proceed to practice against AI, which is why i ask for how to increase the difficulity.
Could work, will try next time.

Normally I immediately switch to another game after the current game has ended and someone writing a message after the game has ended forces me to open it so that the game is no longer in my dashboard. It’s actually quite inconvenient.

: 2024-06-08 07:46:00

Level 59
Normally I immediately switch to another game after the current game has ended and someone writing a message after the game has ended forces me to open it so that the game is no longer in my dashboard. It’s actually quite inconvenient.

Fizzer: Am I a joke to you?
: 2024-06-08 07:48:21

Level 63
It’s not the effort of clicking a game then opening that that’s the issue but how long it takes because browser is slow. The app/standalone has missing browser features (like selecting text) and can’t run browser extensions.

Changing dashboard filter doesn’t solve it because not all settings are synced.
: 2024-06-08 07:51:27

Level 61
Fizzer: Am I a joke to you?

this would also remove games with messages that have actual meaning.
also, you may still want to respond to a "gg" from your opponent

Lastly, as someone who is incapable of understanding context, i would have to assume that i d be blasted with hundreds of games, as there are plenty of active games where i m not eliminated, as i never took part in that game. Too dangerous.

Edited 6/8/2024 07:54:41
: 2024-06-08 07:54:24

Level 65
True respect is writing GG instead of gg if the opponent is a GG player

Edited 6/8/2024 07:54:32
: 2024-06-08 07:59:56

Level 63
I think you can only use filters once you reach a threshold of games anyway. Agreed that there are some messages you want to read anyway (like ones your expecting advice from when the game has ended).

Having to disable public chat notifications for every game using game settings creates more work than what it saves.
: 2024-06-08 17:03:11

Level 63
Rudeness was always the norm in politics. Back in the day it was much worse. American senators use to bring canes to beat each other with haha

GG = git gud
qq = crying from how easy it was
Wp = weird play you must’ve did something weird and got lucky to win not something you usually do
Bg = better game you’re getting stronger
Ggwp = git gud weird person
: 2024-06-08 17:27:47

Level 63
I think I’d prefer a physical cane to know what some actually means. Lots of stuff gets lost between in person and text based chat.
: 2024-06-08 23:02:08

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I always assumed GG meant the person was a S♡NE which is fine I mean I like me the Girls Generation also but I figure in time they will develop taste and become a BINK and eventually move to being a Once.

"Normally I immediately switch to another game after the current game has ended and someone writing a message after the game has ended forces me to open it so that the game is no longer in my dashboard. It’s actually quite inconvenient."

This, so much this.
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