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Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-12 07:19:33

Level 57
I would like to hear the warzone community's viewpoint on this issue if it was justified in (me) getting angry, and how things could have been better. Some context to this game, it is a 3v3 game with 3 spots each (total 9).

The team chat shows Puysegur asking to expand into the Baltics whereby I got angry and told him that he hasn't even completed the Ireland/Iceland/Finland Bonus, and why he wanted to "rob" me of my potential income (I will explain in 2nd image) why I think that I should expand into Baltics instead of him. Yes, I was pissed off and said it in a less-than-ideal manner while Puysegur in his part did not help by suddenly switching languages when I questioned him about it and instead insulted him. (Sorry to Robbyroyal for getting caught in the crossfire).

(Team Chat)

Now I drew this up after the game had ended but with the viewpoint of my time including fog in turn 4, when he asked to expand into the Baltics. The map is drawn with the intention of showing how I saw the game playing out and for easier visualization for the community. In my view, I was locked in the east, and my centre of gravity (main income) was steered towards the Baltic-Russian border. In the west, Benelux was to go to Robbyroyal and I would have given Puysegur a land in the south for the UK bonus. In Poland, I was sandwiched between Robbyroyal's Germany and Johan's Poland. I could have moved south (where I would face contact from the encroaching Bestuzheff in Slovakia) or north (where Denmark would have gone to Robbyroyal, effectively trapping me in the centre). France and the Czech Republic would have been most likely a battleground state so no bonus for me. The only place I had left was the Baltic-Russian border where I was making good progress in pushing Bestuzheff back and giving me some breathing space to expand in the Baltics and Belarus. I was prepared for contact in South Belarus and Lithuania and it was to turn into another battleground state.

Now I am not saying I am the best player in Warzone (let alone good) but at least players should have the decency to see both team spawn points (current enemy locations) and see the chances and possibility of expanding where and how far the enemy has expanded to based on current turn.

Now we have spotted 5/9 of their spawn point, the turn being 4, and with the information I had at that time, I told Puysegur to expand in the North and Balkans while I took take Baltic. However, Puysegur suddenly forgot how to speak English and instead insulted me in French. Now I would like to ask @Fizzer if this action is tolerated to insult your teammates in another language in team chat as it is unable to be seen in Public Chat and thus, reporting might not work.

(How I saw the game (mentally) in turn 4)

(End of the match)

(Match Link)

In conclusion, yes I know I acted less than pleasant, however, I was already fighting 3 fronts and my teammate tried to rob me of the meagre income I could have achieved without even completing their bonuses. Why expand into your teammate's income when you could not finish your own? It wasn't scouting as I was already there, and the bonus was surrounded. I believe that the game could have gone much differently with cooler and more sensible heads prevailing. I would also like to draw @Fizzer's attention to addressing the use of crude words in team chat where it is harder for opponents to see and report (he says she says problem). Sorry to @Robbyroyal for getting caught in the crossfire. (Ps Chat was not exhaustive as it continued till the end of the game).
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-12 07:59:14

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
He asked you a question and it seemed you got a bit pissed off at it, he picked up on it and didn't bother to reply, then you kept pushing him and he switched to I assume the French.

Right or wrong, you could have just said no, I need those areas try these areas or something.

But that's just the way I figured he read the situation.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-12 09:51:23

Level 63
Better to post the game link if it’s already ended https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Link_to_Game.

Flagged words do appear in mods views (regardless of being in public chat, private chat or team chat) but some context might be lost because they don’t have full access to anything other than public chat.

When you start bordering enemies, you should expand at a much lower rate so that you can focus more on breaking their bonuses. Your teammate would have much slower expansion once Iceland and Ireland are completed. They haven’t bordered opponents yet so they can keep expanding quickly.

Would have been better for your teammate to express why they need Estonia rather than name calling and not communicating in English.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-12 13:34:01

Level 57
@Morg Yes, I did get pissed off at it and I showed why in the 2nd image, my thought process. I would assume another teammate wouldn't expand into bonuses bordering their own ally without completing their own bonus. That particular convo lasted between 2 - 3 minutes so he was deploying orders and hadn't had time to respond. I also suggested he head south to the Balkans and further into Scotland and Norway (Turned out I was right to do so as enemies were not in the Balkans). Yes, it is French that he switched to. I didn't expect to have to lay out something basic (which I thought) to be very obvious for a high-level experienced player such as himself.

@Dan I did link the game but at the end before the conclusion. I see, but he did mention it multiple times in French crude words, I assume the mods would see that as reason itself. That is correct, I expected to expand very slowly but not to be cut off and further limited by my teammate (which got me pissed). He also had access to the east from Ukraine and the South through Romania. (was not limited to the north). Yes, that is what I wanted, an explanation as to why he wanted Estonia so badly before completing his own bonuses and expanding or pushing back the enemies whilst I had a tiny bit of income to expand through the Baltics first.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-12 19:34:05

Level 63
Didn’t see the link there.

Doesn’t make sense how that spot in Estonia was gifted to you on turn 6 when they wanted the bonus for themselves.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 03:30:46

Level 57
@Dan My apologies, next time when I create threads I will post the link at the start. I think the reason is simple, optics, after our argument, our third ally, grey left at turn 4, while I left at turn 5. He gave it at turn 6. After we both left, he gifted and then surrendered. With the other team having no access to our conversation (one of the point why I screenshot it and post it here), it would make it seem like he was not in the wrong. I said in my prediction as much in the public chat in turn 5 that we both had left and he still had not surrendered, until after he gifted and then surrendered.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 11:47:39

Level 63
Anger is almost never justifiable. In the moment it feels good, but after wards you will realize why being angry or emotional is not beneficial to any situation or your own personal mental health

Also some times it’s better to live and let die, you’ll find other teammates, and the time you waste arguing with the bad ones is time wasted poorly imo
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 15:00:20

Pink Velvet
Level 60
I don't think you handled this as badly as some might think. I've been in games where people have sworn at me, called me slurs and so on over miscommunication and misplay, especially when I was newer to the game. It's hard to know how to communicate with people sometimes, and many people barely read chat in team games in which case I just BL and move on.
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 17:52:36

Level 30
Maxim, do you consider yourself impatient?
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 19:02:08

Level 30
Maxim, if you consider yourself impatient, then I want to say this: Learn Arabic good-wise, for Arabic is a cursive language. When reading a precious Arabic book, then you'll feel patience. The cursiveness gives a fluent feeling. Also, Arabic without dots and diacritics makes you dig, and this digging is good for creativity, contextual comprehension and depth. Why? Because lots of letters will resemble each other without dots in Arabic. Since it'll give you depth, you will feel more patient than you used to be.

I read Arabic books easier than English books. The reason why is because Arabic is cursive, so it connects better with me. What I meant is that I read more pages in Arabic than in an English book due to the cursiveness.

Edited 6/13/2024 19:06:12
Just venting my anger and see if it was justified.: 2024-06-13 20:12:59

Level 63
Not having a way to vent off anger is probably worse than trying to hold everything together. Imo it’s fine to use bad language as long as it’s not towards an individual or group.

If you want cursive writing formats you just change that program preferences if they support multiple fonts. Imo sans-serif is much easier to read than cursive fonts though.

I wouldn’t say it’s being impatient as such but rather forced to decide a strategy in the very moment, especially in real-time games where you need sudden arrangements. It’s being a bad teammate to not respond, especially if it’s not in a constructive way.
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