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Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 15:30:06

Level 62
Why have you decided to purge the star showing that people are taking their turn after now 16 years
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:02:04

Level 62
Did you ever expect people to 'complete' idle, as in get enough starting AP to insta super ascend?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:07:52

Level 63
What would version 6.0.0 of warlight be like?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:23:27

Level 61
Can we have a method of messaging ourselves in 1v1 games ?

It would be good to have a record of things like known enemy spawns, etc. without needing to refer to my book.
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:24:39

Level 61
Please, please, please make some mechanism to allow Clans to grow and some mechanism for Clans to select their CW Team.
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:32:09

Level 60
Its been a while since we've had the mega games update, and a part of the community wants to play with mods in mega games. I know it has been discussed, but I would like to know your current thoughts about it, and maybe even tell us what is currently blocking the usage of mods in mega games?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:33:03

Level 60
@bodski There is a mod that allows you to make notes, iirc. But the mod is not used in most cases since it is not included in the most used templates
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:34:44

Level 60
Unrelated, but what is your favorite sport? :)

Do you follow the Europian Soccer Championship or not at all?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:50:18

Level 63
Can we have a method of messaging ourselves in 1v1 games ?

As Dutchman said, there is a mod. You can also use 1v1 team games and use the team chat. There is also a userscript https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19761-jz-warlight.
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 16:57:46

Doctor K 
Level 61
+1 for more templates or change templates in CW

OUT with Strat 1v1 and 2v2!!!
IN with Kabix 2v2!

Edited 6/17/2024 17:00:02
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 18:02:22

Level 64
+1 MTL -> ladder page

Edited 6/17/2024 18:02:59
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 18:03:31

Level 63
Fizzer, please give us a premium green!!!
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 18:07:17

Level 61
Thanks guys

Dan - I don't think that you can set up 1v1 as a team game and then chat with your team (unless it comes from the clot ?).

I'll take a look at your greasy fork later :)
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 18:10:54

Tom #2
Level 6
is it still just you who is programming? any plans to hire more people to speed up development? and how is the lawsuit going?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 18:39:04

Bob the Builder
Level 59
Has the polling feature you announced several streams back ever been implemented? I might have missed it.

What are the results on the poll for ladder boot times?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 19:09:09

Level 63
Will there be some addition to the members-only perks?

The last few years things that used to be member only mostly became available for everyone with new things for members being added.
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 20:01:34

Level 63
Answers from Fizzer

Important: Uservoice is being retired due to their new pricing system!
Fizzer is making a new system that works like a combo between QM voting and forum threads.
If you have any suggestions on Uservoice, make sure to copy them!

Are Funky Fizzers going to participate in CL 18? Are you going to participate in MTL?


Will we get MTL ladder to the ladders page? Will we get rewards for participating in MTL?

MTL is a community event, and the only community event that has a trophy

Will Warzone ever properly localize dates?

I prefer yyyy-mm-dd and agree its beter, I just haven't gotten around to implementing it

The update seems to have obscured window.UJS_Hooks when in a game.

I am not aware of this.

What can the community do to persuade you to remove the clan cap? I would welcome a clear goal like 100 signatures.

More and smaller clans are better according to Fizzer.

could you show us bunch of cool statistics about the game?

Most of this data is either already collected and available in the community, or too hard to collect even for Fizzer.

will 3D ever be the default for browser? is 3D done, or will you put more time into it? what % of people is using 3D?

3D mode isnt ready for this yet, maybe maybe in the future. 3D still needs more work. Most people are using the default setting (3D for small maps)

How many times has the jackpot from wheel spins been rewarded?
How many players have completed all achievements?
Do you prefer playing in 2D or 3D?
Is there any chance of playing in VR?

Don't know, maybe every other day?
Don't know, i only know Timinator
Played around with VR, but is not considering it at the moment

Will you consider doing something similar with the forward/back navigation on browser as well?

Yes, this is something I should do, let me write this down

Will the forums ever be upgraded to say, support something like markdown?

They did support markdown years ago, with a security invulnerability coded into it by Fizzer, so it was removed. Its possible to do this again in the future, but i switched to BB code since then.

What are your thoughts of Duel Lotto being in Quickmatch and would you like to add it to Clan Wars?

Lotto is a stupid template, but if people vote for it they must like it, so they can have it their way. But its not getting into CW.

How long will you keep the Free Cache thread running for?

Forever, over 6000 people have enjoyed it (lol, thats just me spamming, dont tell Fizzer), so its working great!

Have you played Tarbonia's Choice? if so, what card do you usually pick?

I dont know what it is? Probably a template?

Full unicode support for chat? Pretty please 🙏

Unity sucks, I cannot make...
I want to maybe eventually move away from Unity, thats why we also might have a new rendering engine for the Warzone games.
Please submit a bug report for anything that was broken in the last update.

1) What are the conditions for accepting a new template in CW? Would the agreement of the top N CW clan leaders suffice, or would you prefer another process? We understand you may want keep a veto for unsuitable templates.
2) Which templates would you like to see in CW? Which would you not like to see?
3) What is your opinion on removing some of the current templates?

When we do, which we will do at some point but its not on my list, we should do it by community vote.

in team templates, when mirroring, it is hard to see if everybody picked in the correct order.

I'm aware this doesnt really work great, but its a nice to have, and I had to get it working for maps with small territories. You can work around this by viewing the orders from each player individually. I don't know of a better solution for now.

are there any plans to implement a duration remaining timer for the temporary boosts (the idle rewards given by CW and ladders)?
This is a good idea to suggest for the uservoice or whatever thing I will make to replace it.

Did you ever expect people to 'complete' idle, as in get enough starting AP to insta super ascend?

I did not expect it, but I also didnt consider it to be impossible.

Can we have a method of messaging ourselves in 1v1 games ?

This might be fixed by adding a notebook feature to Warzone.

Its been a while since we've had the mega games update, and a part of the community wants to play with mods in mega games. I know it has been discussed, but I would like to know your current thoughts about it, and maybe even tell us what is currently blocking the usage of mods in mega games?

Yes, this is something I want to add, but its a lot of work, and I haven't prioritized this. Feel free to add this to the uservoice replacement. The problem with it is that I must ensure the game is stable and doenst crash for such expensive games.

Unrelated, but what is your favorite sport? :)

I dont really play, but i watch baseball and american football

Fizzer, please give us a premium green!!!

Make a feature request for it. This wouldnt need a lot of votes, because its only a little effort to add.

is it still just you who is programming? any plans to hire more people to speed up development? and how is the lawsuit going?

Yes, its still just me. I dont make enough money to hire more people. The lawsuit is still ongoing, and stuck.

Has the polling feature you announced several streams back ever been implemented? I might have missed it.
What are the results on the poll for ladder boot times?

Yes, I have added this for myself. I can send everyone a mail and ask them to vote. But I haven't used it yet.
There has not been a poll for the ladder boot times, or at least I cant remember it.

Will there be some addition to the members-only perks?

New features are generally member only first, and then over time get released to everyone. A good new perk would be more votes for the new suggestion system.

In ‚no split mode‘ might it be possible to add a button in the attack pop up window so I can easily cancel an attack?

Yes, this would be a very useful feature. NS is not used a lot, so I havent invested a lot of time in it. Feel free to suggest this.

Edited 6/17/2024 21:35:40
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 20:10:17

FS'02 Febo 
Level 61
In ‚no split mode‘ might it be possible to add a button in the attack pop up window so I can easily cancel an attack?

And might it be possible to have a note section / self-chat in game to note for oneself things like move order, enemy starts etc ?
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 20:23:53

Level 63
@bodski random teams or fixed teams of 1. you can do this when making a game
Fizzer AMA Monday: 2024-06-17 20:27:02

Level 63
(end of forum questions, use stream instead)
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