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Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 14:54:01

Level 62
This will automatically equip any passive artifacts you own to maximize the effect of every action you take.

What does this mean exactly?

Lets assume I have the following passives:
* legendary territory money boost
* legendary bonus money boost
* legendary army camp boost
, but only 1 free artifact slot (the others have cooling down actives in it). Which one is used while I am sitting idling?

Lets assume I have a hospital boost arti and an army cache boost arti, but only 1 free artifact slot. Which one will it equip? Will this depend on whether you take a territory with an army cache on it?
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 14:55:17

0zark Girl
Level 57
I sure hope it will be affordable
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 14:56:44

Level 62
Price is already fixed:

Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 14:57:34

Level 61
Let's assume I have the following passives:
* Army Camp Boost
* Bonus Money Boost
* Territory Money Boost
* Idle Time
* Speedy Smelters
Which of these passives will be equipped in the three slots that can take passives?
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 14:59:26

0zark Girl
Level 57
wow that's a huge price, what about us poor people !
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 15:00:35

0zark Girl
Level 57
us poor people have to do grueling finger work in WZIB
while the rich people hover above us, relaxing
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 15:25:44

Level 62
Will auto swapper work with AQ and AAQ?
Will auto swapper work in wzib?
Or challenge levels?
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 15:28:18

Level 63
Will the auto swapper have some sort of cooldown?

And if its always calculating the most optimal set of artifacts, how much slower does that make idle run?
Right now, (A)AQ is already under-performing in browser compared to the apps because it simply cannot do enough calculation rounds every second...
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 15:30:45

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
THey have a program for that, and here I am doing it manually like a sucker
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-16 16:01:48

Level 40
For $35 it should basically activate one copy of the highest rarity artifact of each of the 25 possible passive artifacts that you own even if they are in your bag aka unslotted.

Otherwise, this would be misleading/buggy on many scenarios and a PITA to make it works as people expect. When you conquer 1 territory that has let say an army cache that also complete 2 bonuses which contain a resource cache and money cache. On this case you probably want:
- Army Cache boost
- Cache Boost
- Money Cache Boost
- Resource Cache Boost
- Hospital Boost

There are 5 choices, and the artifact picker has to make a decision to pick 3 that depending on its logic could leave out Army Cache Boost & Cache Boost for a good troll move xD. Also, if you are crafting while conquering there are not enough slots for smelting and item crafting with since you want at least 7 artifacts for just crafting + conquering artifacts. There are tons of scenarios in which you don't have enough slots and disappointment would ensue.

Therefore, Fizzer should just activate a single copy of the highest rarity artifact that you own and call it a day. This means that in the hypothetical case in which someone has 2 Insane Hospital Boost and 1 Legendary Hospital Boost only a single Insane Hospital Boost would always be activated and avoids a silly stacking bug or picking lower rarity artis when multiple rarities of the same arti are owned. I just fear a few hard coded cases that would disappoint people or some crazy CPU usage due to all actions that would happen with auto-conquer + artifact picker. Auto-conquer is already super slow on my browser >.>.

To be fair the only drawback of this proposal is that all artifact slots become active artifact slots since there is no need to equip passive artifacts but to be fair there are only 2 active artifacts that most use (SAC/TW) and like 3 situational ones (IM/TS/QuadStrike) so does not matter much tbh.
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 03:45:40

Level 14
I think Xeno's got it right. Any attempt at optimization is going to miss the mark, as the idle map context matters so much.

I'm thinking you don't do _anything_ on true passive (Speedy X, army/sec boosts, money boosts), and have all relevant abilities active (cache boost, hospital, purchasing, mercenary cost, etc.) on every click.

That gives you "unfair" benefit on some corner cases (trigger 2+ caches at once, spamming actives), but is 99%+ accurate without ever digging into programming the logic.

Excited to purchase, just want to understand the workings first.
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 04:28:01

Level 63
makes me wonder if it's really an auto-swapper at all tbh, or just applies the benefits of all your passives all the time ... b/c building an algorithm to determine which artis to put in would be kind of tedious, actually (virtually) swapping them in is semi-tedious and potentially time consuming as Xeno pointed out notably on large maps and when you have lots of artifacts, seems like it have a huge impact on timing in general when doing things manually and insane impact when using AQ/AAQ (constantly calcing which to use, swapping, swapping back, repeat)

but the real questions are what Otto asked
Will auto swapper work with AQ and AAQ?
Will auto swapper work in wzib?
Or challenge levels?
maybe it won't work with AQ & AAQ at all! if it doesn't, then SUPER BLAH, reduces the worth drastically

if this works in WZIB, that's suuuuuuper beneficial but only if it's quick (if it slows down your captures, it's useless to play efficiently if you still finish last); still not enough for a player with weak Advancements and Artis to beat a top tier player with lots of Adv's and Insane Artis (SAC & TW mainly) but definitely a separator among players of the same level

then again, the premise of WZIB is "pick 3 (or 4 with 4th Boy) with no swapping", so if swapping is disallowed, then auto-swapping has no effect

Same for Challenges I guess

@0zark girl
I sure hope it will be affordable
affordable? yes. worth it? at USD$35 ... well ...

ok so who's gonna be the guinea pig to buy it and make a video testing it out to show all us proles?

Edited 6/17/2024 04:35:55
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 12:04:15

Level 63

Only artifact swapped when clicking is Hospital boost. (aq and aaq do not equip)
Never swaps in always good passive artifacts like Army Camp Boost, Territory Money Boost or Bonus Money Boost.
Good at swapping in discounts, Alloy Values, Ore Values.

Edited 6/17/2024 12:15:58
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 12:55:48

Pierre Mangetout
Level 28
Thanks for the video Ivan0, really helpful

I still don't think I get it though - why does it bother switching some but not others? Assuming the boosts are actually applied, the 'max 3 passive buffs' rule can be broken anyway so why not just (as others have said) use the best artifacts in each case and not bother touching the 3 selected; seems less prone to bugs, the least confusing option, and means you don't have to reselect the always-good passives

PS I'm insanely jealous of your artifacts
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 14:35:08

Level 14
How responsive is the Dev team on things like this? I'd say most of my swapping (mid first ascension - Old Town) is on Cache boosts when manually conquering.

To be clear, it's an absolute buy (for those fortunate enough) if it works right, but this feels like it's 2/3s implemented.
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 15:08:54

Level 60
Thanks, Ivan!

The feature is effectively a half-way measure. :/
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 15:25:44

Level 14
More than just saving clicks, this would also unlock auto-conquer for the early game.

Edited 6/17/2024 15:27:24
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-17 18:55:00

Level 63
Some important info from stream:

To be able to buy the Auto Swapper, you need:
• to own the super camp
• have a minimum amount of passive artifacts (Fizzer hinted 5 or 6)

And the Auto Swapper only works in regular levels, and only for actions you (so manual clicks) take....

Edited 6/17/2024 19:22:52
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-18 06:06:24

Level 63
And the Auto Swapper only works in regular levels, and only for actions you (so manual clicks) take....
so AQ & AAQ are out, so the value of this just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down

some other facts from the AMA:
- it is in fact a swapper ... so you need an open slot to swap into
- when there aren't enough slots for everything, it swaps in the artifact with the highest level (Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Insane), and when they are the same level, it randomly picks one
- it's smart enough to account for different caches being captured and swapping in the appropriate Cache Boost, Resource Cache Boost, Money Cache Boost, Army Cache Boost <--- this was added after Ivan's video
- also works with numerous other artifacts to give discounts on army camp/hospital/mine upgrades, alloy values, etc
Q&A Auto Artifact Swapper: 2024-06-21 20:23:43

Level 60

AMA Link where Fizzer answers some questions about the AAS.

If I find some time (or someone helps) I'll provide some time stamps for Q&A on it in an edit.
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