@Queefballs...Just because your here to "Plow and Plow hard" terrible joke by the way. Doesn't mean everyone else is. Some people actually like having conversations with people. Again there's the door, don't like it leave.
Honestly the whole "Poon Squad" clan should just be banned. Its probably the worst clan name and some of the names in it "Piss Flap the Sly", "QueefBalls", "ifaptwohanded" should all just be banned. Is that really the kind of players we want in the community? Is that the type of clan we want newer players to meet when they join in and just say "Hi?". Dunno about everyone else, but I certainly dont
According to QueefBalls you are not supposed to have any kind of life what-so-ever, all your time should be dedicated to solely Warlight or else you deserve to be booted.
The moral? Never join Poon Squad's games. Also, it's just a simple trick that every other team gets booted but their doesn't so they win without using literally any skill. Is that really fair?