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Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 15:50:36

Level 58
- Strongest 1v1 player - John - Always three moves ahead of ya; every choice is carefully made, a real master I always am in awe of, BUT you're in my sights, man, I'm gonna beat you one day!! -|-

- Best clan - HAWKS - I would for them even if I were not a Nestling; from top to bottom all members are friendly, open to teach you things, just talk, have fun together, and make you feel at home in general; i'm so very lucky to have met these guys <3

- Best game mod - Gift Gold Ultra by Yamada Sergata - Say what you want, but gold games have become something else since this mod went public: gold gifts are tracked, you can make repeatable payments, etc etc, all adding an economical layer to diploes and RP games (tbh, i don't think non-competitive games can be played without it anymore)

- Best Mapmaker - Shinigami Knight - He's artful, neat but also damn ingenious and courageous: he'll continue do wonders no doubt, mostly because he's passionate in trying to bring new forms of GAMEPLAY on the maps, alongside his beautiful artworks. Murk, athles and Koen27 should also be mentioned for their splendid works.

- Best mentor - Rodrigo [Hawks] - He really made me discover pretty much everything in competitive games; always available and open to teach you things

- Best map - Milky Way by Rainb00ts - This was very hard to choose because there were a lot of great maps on the same level; she won because, come on, you have Lagrange Points in it...simply wow! Btw, now you have the Earth being able to expand in the galaxy, a dream come true.

Edited 6/20/2024 15:50:48
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 18:57:19

Shinigami Knight
Level 55
[Best Mentor] Would have to be https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=50135888788&u=Coenquistatore_1, as the reason I have learnt so much in such a short amount of time is because of his deep insight and the encouragement he readily pulls out of his sleeve.
[Best Game Mod] I honestly don't know many since I'm not a premium member, but the one I wouldn't want to miss in a diplomatic game is the Buy Cards mod.
[Best Mapmaker] Of course, the legend himself, Lionheart, would always be one of the top contenders. But in the spirit of change and novelty, I'd say https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=6026905770&u=Murk_1. I just love the intricacies he puts into his maps, and the results look simply unique and fascinating. Also, I feel like we share a flair for bizarre new ways of working with the gameplay, so that's a definite plus.
[Best New Map] This would be a great place for some shameless self-promotion, ahaha, but I'd have to say the https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=102000 by Coenquistatore...I mean, what the actual mess is that..I love it, even though I'm no star wars fan. But the possibilities for RP and world building around the vast universe..makes me wanna watch the movies (if I didn't find them boring, it's out, so now throw your tomatoes :P)
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 19:13:28

Level 57
I didn't do any mapmaking in 2023 so I don't qualify :(
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 20:05:49

Shinigami Knight
Level 55
Ah dang indeed, I could swear I had your map United Kingdom of Israel in mind thinking it came out last year :')
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 21:18:24

Level 57
The Kai would like to cast a vote for most infamous player, tarlwolf https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=14131449109&u=tarlwolf_1
He has consistently stalled in every single game of every single tournament I had the misfortune to be part of. Like many (and there are many) I learned the hard way that no matter the banked time, if tarlwolf is part of tournament, the whole thing is going to last for a long, long time
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 21:19:44

Level 63
[Best idlers] Xeno for finishing idle with starting ap, krinid for finishing idle with all artifacts
[Community member] FiveSmith for his forum threads and CW stats
[Infamous player] Nonolet
[Best clan] TLA
[Best GC personality] WarTog
[Popular vote] JK_3
[Best n00b Warzoner] Samek
[Best CW match] https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=33724615
[Best game mod] Spectator Mode (by Dutchman)
[Best diplo match] https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35869702

(2023 was a really long time ago!)

[Strongest 1v1 player]
[Strongest 2v2 team]
[Best 1v1 match]
[Best team 2v2 match]
[Best FFA match]
[Best mentor]
[Best player tagline]
[Best Mapmaker]
[Best New Map]

Edited 6/20/2024 22:18:21
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 21:22:36

Level 63
agree with TheKai
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 21:28:00

Level 58
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 22:08:47

Level 40
I'm not retired tho and was very active in 2023. I just ran out of things to do in idle about a year ago but I'm still actively helping people via GC/Discord/Warzone Mail.

As for votes since I don't play classic then I can only vote for:

[Best GC personality] WarTog
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-20 23:32:07

Level 58
[Community member of the Year] JustinR17
[GOAT] Rufus
[Best diplo match] Mattz Clan S5 G9 (The Known World) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=30105236

I may or may not have chosen this diplo because I won it :)

But seriously, the diplo rule set created for Mattz Clan Games, which has now branched off into the WZ Clans "KILL 'EM ALL" and "Valyrian Steel", is by far my favorite model of diplomacy. And, as you can probably guess by my profile image and tagline, ASOIAF diplos are our bread and butter. Credit to https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3429545145&u=Matt+Branstutter-Peckham_1 for being the reason this whole thing exists in the first place, and credit to the K'EA/Valyrian Steel management team keeping the ship afloat.

I could pick any of our Hosted games, but I picked this one because RPing the far East of Essos on the "Known World" map is very difficult to do since most canon lore focuses on Westeros and the Free Cities. As a result, a lot of games stagnate once the feudal wars in Westeros come to a close. In this game, myself and 4 other members who were as far East as East goes, beyond the Mountains of the Morn, created an alliance with an official council, bylaws, mission statement and tagline: May our Mountains stand tall! That alliance kept this game interesting on all parts of the map until the very end. A quote on page 5 of the chat history OOC: "Nice to see a game where Essos is the one filling up public chat with internal squabbles instead of Westeros lol". Game began in 2022 but ended July of 2023 so this should count.

As an aside, here's to hoping we get the old chat history back please, it's sooooo hard to search for past alliances/RP now.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-23 13:19:54

Level 63
For a list of mods made public during 2023 see https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Category:Mods_made_public_during_2023. Took about a week to make the list. There's barely any actual info about the mods themselves but was doing it quick and dirty.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-23 14:16:53

Level 21
most infamous and notorious player: Nonolet
(admins, mods and public vote agree)

most active cw player: Nonolet + alts
(to be confirmed - 5S ? - but don't think any other player played nearly as many cw games in 2023)

most successful clan founder and cw strategist in 2023: nonolet
(created multiple capped clans and led them to considerable success in cw, including rank #9 within just a few months and despite mostly n00b players)

most successful dramatic entertainer: Nonolet
(fully Oscar-worthy performance, without any doubt)

most active walrus disturber: Nonolet
(they hardly got any sleep trying to get ahold of nono)

yay! 😀
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-23 15:40:09

bliss machine
Level 62
[Strongest 1v1 player] dry-clean
[CL MVP] dry-clean
[Popular vote] dry-clean
[GOAT] dry-clean
[Best mentor] dry-clean
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 02:28:36

Level 61
DCO is a good nomination for CL MVP. 17-1 in Div C is not easy as you’d think. He had to beat Rento, AJordy & Realtor twice in team games, Gandolfo & Noctophilia on Georgia, and a bunch of other decent guys who can catch you lacking, too.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 05:43:44

Level 63
lol @ Nono votes from a now Deleted player

thanks Dan for the list of mods created in 2023, i've updated the original post to include it; Dutchman was working on putting a list together, not sure if he helped with that or this was all you but thanks to you both

@Texx, in addition to what you wrote for Flexus, didn't he also get a perfect season once, was that 2023? found the thread https://www.warzone.com/Forum/697693-personal-perfect-clan-wars-season-achieved; looks like YappiDoor also got a perfect, but both had "pending" games in last slot of season; then SerFen did a non-FW, non-pending perfect the season after

then there's me with my only claim to CW fame of having a career 0 FW count (:
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 05:45:42

Level 60
The Nono votes were from Nono himself. Earlier in the day he drew Fizzer in a quick match, surrendered without making a move, then deleted his account immediately.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 05:56:25

Level 61
You don’t have the right to mention perfectos around me. Not after what you did to me in Season 29! :P

Yes. You’re right about the perfectos.

Here’s some stats.
The top 10 most winningest players in CW in 2023 (credit to FiveSmith):
308 | FleXUS
308 | Norme
298 | StealthFalcon (31 wins on “MrPotato”)
272 | Gunk
268 | Cicero_
263 | まったけ matutake
262 | Texx
258 | otto
251 | UsualSuspect
251 | Stonewall

Edited 6/24/2024 05:59:55
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 06:12:00

Level 63
damn Texx you still bitter about S29, lol

ok had to look it up ... https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34026141

if it means that much to you, i'll just have to add this to my profile "perfect season wrecker"
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-24 07:43:31

Level 63
^ his list had ones from 2022 onwards and not all mod makers responded quickly to verify his list.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-28 06:12:04

Level 63
Hey, more people need to vote!
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