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10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 10:14:52

Level 65
Dear community,

I have created my main account today 10 years ago. Ever since, this community has had a huge impact on me. As I haven't come up with anything else and an anniversary tournament seems meh, I decided to take the risk of being made fun of and create a thread asking you to share your highlights of the last decade on WarLight. They don't have to be related to me, to watermelons, or to stefano36000. I'll try to remember some things too and share them here.

Looking forward to hearing what you found memorable!

Edited 6/19/2024 10:17:50
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 10:21:32

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I joined a long time ago during the warlight days, then quit because it was too much of a time suck. Then rejoined, then quit again.

I joined or more I joined again, got my self hooked on idle. It was there for me when I had to drive the old man to his cancer treatments
And the following year July/August when my only local friend died way too young and last October when the old man decided to take another trip because of the heart failure and after with dealing with probate and other stuff. Hmmm distraction when I needed it most.

If I didn't take that special needs advice to ultra ascend, who knows how well I would have dealt with it.
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 11:48:03

Level 60
Since this is alex's WL anniversary, I will share an alex memory. Prior to CL17 I asked alex if he could help give me some training on Aseridith Islands, my 1v1 template this CL. The first game careless old me proceeded to make only 14 picks instead of 16, and then I booted the second game. Just goes to show what a great dude alex is that even though he had generously offered his time and effort, while I carelessly squandered it, he was super polite and is still friendly to me! Most likely I would've done better than 1-5 if I had put more effort into learning from him 🤣
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 12:38:22

Level 65
Thanks, LND, that's really kind - we can pick up our training again if you like!
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 14:19:03

Level 60
Someday, alex, for sure! Atm I'm wanting to just play some games without thinking too hard, CL can make you forget this game is fun hahaha.
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 15:19:46

Level 63
I went from being clanless for quite a while to joining Corp, to joining TSFH, and then when TSFH crumbled, I stumbled into project Yolo which was aiming to execute a surprise shock and awe mission to snatch CW 1st place from Masters who had gotten lax in their CW play b/c there were no direct challengers that could beat them anymore, so a surprise push from a new group of folks just might be able to beat them --> this was the plan


But Yolo went from a low key stealth mission, to people talking about it in GC "so I hear you're going to challenge Masters for 1st place in the upcoming CW season", queue face palm here

I remember asking why we were using some creepy stalker guy's zoomed & stretched out face as our small icon clan avatar, to get the response from Alex "that's my face! I'm not creepy", lmao
You can judge for yourself (;

Many of my new clanmates were from some clan called Python which I had heard of but wasn't overly familiar with at the time. After doing some training games with my new clanmates, I realized that these guys were actually really strong players, tho I didn't really understand just how good they actually were at the time (just that they were stronger than me)... Alex, Tacky, Dom, Krzysztof, Platinum, Tainted Monk, Quicksilver, Beep Beep, Bonsai, Wini, Tukuro. A bunch more were from 101st, a handful from the fallen TSFH, 1 from LuFredd and another from FC

So next CW season starts, and Masters, obviously aware of the great new challenger gunning for them, comes flying out of the gate firing on all cylinders, raking in a huge score of wins - so much for the surprise attack

And then we discovered that the Yolo clan's CW rating had been seriously tanked, and while it displayed as "0", it actually had a negative rating, but we had no idea what the impact of this was. We ended up with mostly "No game" results when queueing for CW games. The first week continued like this, the whole crew showing up for a CW window, 1-2 players getting matched up, the rest getting the dreaded "No game". Our win count was climbing far too slowly. After the first week, our rating was high enough that we started getting matched up against weaker clans ... they were easy wins, but at least we were getting games

After a couple weeks, it was clear that Masters had too much of a lead to catch up and several players quit the initiative; in hindsight, we didn't have enough players and daily diligence to truly challenge them even if we had a high CWR from the start and Masters was caught unaware. We ended up with a decisive 3rd place standing tho, authoritatively ahead of TLA, authoritatively behind MH who were in turn authoritatively behind Masters. The season ended, everyone who wasn't TSFH went back to their home clans, while us TSFH'ers found new homes (many to Harmony [which added the TSFH logo to its own], some to Discovery, a handful elsewhere).

It was a fun project for the season it lasted
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 15:35:27

Level 65
Cool to hear you remember so much from that! It was fun indeed, and I'm happy to see my face is still there as clan icon. Once Fizzer changes the CW rules, maybe we'll pull something like that again ;D
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 15:40:44

Level 63
Who would dare make fun of Alex??!

I’ve made a ton of great memories , and even better friends

Best memories include games with Pichu, Atom Elite, conversations with Markus, AwesomeGuy, training with MoD, Buns157, conquering with John, No Mercy, organizing communities with FleXUS, Platinum, making templates with Lionheart, sharing videos/media with Global Chat. This is what I can think of now, may add more later

Edited 6/19/2024 15:56:56
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 17:45:32

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Most memorable moment was winning the 1st round of the Berlin Open Tournament 'with' MrTrolldemort:

Most memorable moment with alex was getting poached by him to join Lynx, making everyone hate me... Worth it to leave FCC
lets see how many people in fcc take that offensive

Edited 6/19/2024 17:46:42
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:10:35

Level 65
I remember having had an influence on your name change to Roi Joleil and Quick's to Corn Man. Were there any others? :p
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:12:49

Roi Joleil
Level 60
thats true, and yet you still call me joi
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:15:17

Level 65
You expect me to call you King?
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:47:45

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
My first game with alexclusive was in 2024
He was a nice guy in stripped blue, a godly color beyond the power of the rainbow

However, i joined warzone many years ago.
Together with my big brother Volcano, I faced one challenge after another. We discussed games together, he would rant about how the fuck could i consider the mighty Smolders as a 'stripped-blue-worthy-existence', --for he also was blue, but not stripped--
Volcano would destroy me in Gotham
The damned Smolders, destroyed me in every of Kratt's tournaments
The few where he didnt appear, Legolas was there. For 10 coins, i shed blood and tears, strategized with my brother about what to do or how to improve.

i wanted to be stronger. lasercatte and raxor were amazing teammates, and i needed to keep the pace

B talked to me in fight of europe.
He said he was the very best in fight of europe, so i should listen to him. "being wiped out one territory in fight of europe is GG" he said
I didnt care. my power was growing endlessly. soon i would even beat the smolders. i made calculations and kept moving forward. it was the correct choice, and to this day i still think so in that particular day.

he, however, soon proved why he was the very best.
we coordinated like beasts. every advice he gave was clear, concise, and extremely important. i saw it, i complied, and offered my own concise advice to him.
he talked big, but proved to be a gem of a person. strong to the peak, yet humble and hardworking. he showed me the true power of teamwork
"giuseppe is slightly behind as 2nd best" he said

anyway, I remember booting when my phone was stolen, and i was with Legolas and HolyMother in a 4vs4, definitely one big regret

Another regret is that, as a TSFH elder, i probably would have prevented its fall had i taken the load of spreadsheets and tournaments. I couldnt, for the time for me to step up irl had come

my 3 pages of games dwindled through the months, to just 2 games. The championship against (obviously) the goddamn Almighty Smolders in my Very Best Template (Elitist Africa), where i had absolutely perfected myself
And TSFH anniversary Scrabble tournament's championship, where i (OBVIOUSLY) picked the almyghty bonus of "BAHAMUT" In every game.

not once did the power of bahamut let me down, nor i it

i waited smolders to reach me in TSFH anniversary tournament

i talked to him in the elitist championship about it, but he said he had been defeated by the great Emidae, so that ElitistAfrica championship would be my last game with him

i strived my best game, and though heavily injured, i came out on top. it was my template after all. nothing could stop me. not even the Almighty Smolders

As a sign of respect, i decided. i would pick 1st pick "(NL) Smolders" as first pick in the championship against emidae.
I would use the power of the Smolders to avenge the Smolders

And i did it. That was my last game in warzone for 3-4 years. a triumphant success. Stan said he would stay, grow in power for the time i ever came back.

after coming back, however, my home was no more. i seeked and seeked all remains of my old teammates. first, i saw rax playing (though he's working and idk how long he will play or if he quitted again), texted lasercatte on discord, but she only played idle lately (damned idle! poison!)

i got to know a lot of wonderful people. thanks to stephano36000, i found kratt's AMA thread, where i found some clues. I heard there was some unknown mighty elder of TSFH named 'krinid', who i barely remember after the years, who has some kind of screenshots

anyhow, i moved on
my home was no more
i forged onward
without my brother
without legendary smolders to beat
without rivals like legolas

all that was left, was my power. and so, with it, i found alexclusive and that mighty stripped blue. he proved himself a guy nice and strong

soon, i may leave warzone again, and i dont know how long it will be or if i come back at all ever again

thats my 4 years of story

i cannot even begin to understand how fascinating would the story be in 10 years, like alex's. Happy WZ birthday, and gl hf!
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:48:34

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61

definitely my last will.

dont read it. downvote it so other people dont have to read it u.u
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:54:16

Level 58
But I liked it uwu
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 18:55:35

Level 58
One of my best memories of joi is trying (and failing) to pronounce his name, or hearing others do the same thing

Also joi had a cool accent
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 21:20:57

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
What many people don't know: A major motivation for me to create yolo swag yoyoyo was the fact that this name was refused as a clan name when Lynx and Outlaws merged, and I really thought it would it would be the most beautiful clan name.
In the end we agreed on the rather mediocre name Python, although there was a twist to this as well, which is for another story.
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 22:11:09

Roi Joleil
Level 60

this has only gotten worse since also using the polish variation of my name, which im even worse at pronouncing
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-19 22:11:36

Roi Joleil
Level 60

yea, obviously i expect you to call me King. dumb question
10 years WL anniversary: 2024-06-20 02:00:44

Level 63
* predates Alex by about a year *

Here’s to another 10 more years!
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