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Map testing: Public Transport of Zurich (2024): 2024-06-28 21:50:55

Level 58
I finished my very first map: Public Transport of Zurich (2024)


I would appreciate, if some more expirienced map makers have a look at at it and could give some feedback, especially on the bonus values if they are more or less fair and if you see any problems with the map. If you are interested in test games, hit me up as well.
Map testing: Public Transport of Zurich (2024): 2024-06-28 22:24:06

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
It sucks.

Not the map. Public Transport. Always late.
Map testing: Public Transport of Zurich (2024): 2024-07-01 13:42:26

Level 57
I'm always happy to help test! You can send me an invite.

The bonus values seem a tad low, especially the superbonuses. They are so spread out over the map that by the time you can reliably hold the bonus, 2 or 3 income probably won't make the difference anymore.

It's also a bit difficult to decipher which territory belongs to which bonuses. I'm not sure what a good solution to that would be, though, with the way the map is currently set up.

But I'm intrigued by the idea!
Map testing: Public Transport of Zurich (2024): 2024-07-08 17:41:22

Level 58
Thanks for your feedback, Murk

I have been thinking about the issue with the bonus visability. In the end most promising for me is partial transparent areas. You should see the first few in the preview now. If you or others reading this think that would work, I'll do the rest as well. If I can also have your feedback about Line identificators as I did for Line 2 in the map that would be great, as I'm unsure if they help or get mistaken for bonus values to easily.
Map testing: Public Transport of Zurich (2024): 2024-07-11 08:04:58

Level 63
Its definitely easier to see with the zone and bonus link on the map than the other style.
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