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Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-08 18:03:14

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Please join me for an Ask-me-anything session live on twitch!

It will start Tuesday at 11am PDT. See this link for the time in your local time zone: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2024-07-09+11am+PDT

I'll be answering questions from the community live on twitch at https://twitch.tv/FizzerWL . I'll also go over all the new updates!

If you can't make it but still have a question, leave it as a reply in this thread and I'll go over it on stream. You can view the recording after it's over.

EDIT: It's over! View the video here: https://youtu.be/06KwPmbdU7w

Edited 7/9/2024 20:19:21
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-08 18:56:42

Level 63
What will happen with all the ideas on uservoice?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-08 21:25:33

Level 63
Is Mercer still alive? What is he up to these days?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-08 21:32:08

Level 63
can we have some statistics on country distribution !
or perhaps time zone distribution !

Will the classic game engine (so the core features, not like ladders, the game system)recieve any updates/new features, not many updates recently as its mostly on idle and clan wars? More units, more bosses, more features?

thanks a lot

Edited 7/9/2024 19:15:29
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-08 23:10:51

Level 60
Forgot to ask this question last update, so here it is :)

Were there any modifications made for showing (custom) special units on the map when you recreated the map engine? If yes, would this mean that the current limits on special unit images will be changed at some point?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 06:32:03

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Why does Fizzer hate MTL?
- downvoted post by Bring * back! ⌛sucks!
- downvoted post by Bring * back! ⌛sucks!
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 06:48:03

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Harmony is trying to design a new clan icon. We have run into a problem, that 21 x 15 isn't many pixels to work with. Can we in the future expect to get an update for bigger icons?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 07:49:17

Level 63
How many votes would a simple suggestion need to pass (e.g. add attack only to Strat 1v1 in CW or add Premium Green)?
And a more complex suggestion (e.g. Redesign Map Page or Add Clan Manager Tiers)?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 07:50:34

Level 63
With regards to the suggestion system as a whole, are you just going to pick the highest voted suggestion and work on that? Balance votes vs effort? Or just use it as an indication for what players roughly want and add features based on that?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 08:06:07

Level 63
Another thing, last stream you talked about downloading the UserVoice database so the suggestions wouldn't get lost.

1) Do you have that downloaded already?
2) If yes, can you open that to allows us to view it when UV dies? (member only feature perhaps?)
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 11:40:38

Level 60
Having the feature request available as a forum category is great, much better than a separate user voice page!
However, there is a downside. When viewing the forums on mobile, I used to just use "view all" to check all the forums from different categories and see which ones I like have new updates. I preferred this to following individual threads, so I don't get spammed with notifications.
With the new feature request forum category, the "view all" has now become swamped with threads from this one category, far more than even the off-topic forums used to do.

My question is, would it be possible to select which forum categories we wish to see on the "view all" page?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 12:51:35

Level 63
^ make a feature suggestion about forum category filtering :)
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 18:22:19

Level 58
What is still included with the memberships?
Seems like more and more is getting free, so why should I pay for the member thing?
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 18:47:02

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 60
are you going to do something about the "no games" in clan wars?
even if there's a lot of opponents in, let's say, Small Earth 1 Wasteland, some ppl in the same clan get a NG while there was a perfect match up possible ( even number of participants)
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 19:40:21

Level 63

• • Can we get nudge button for RT games?
Before WZ only send emails so nudging in real time didn't make sense. Now that WZ mostly sends push notifications, this might be reconsidered.

• • Will there be a RT ladder again?
QuickMatch is made to be a better version of the RTL, and has fully replaced it. The old RTL was very bad in multiple ways, and will not be brought back.

• • QM doesnt have a trophy.
I might add this later.

• • what are your biggest costs? Compute, storage of game history, or something else?
Probably computes if I had to guess.

• • Can we have a way to fliter open games to more easily find what we're looking for. (3day, 4-player, etc)
Add it as a feature request.

• • if you check the All Forum posts, there is a lot of suggestions in it now. Can they be split? And what is the reason you put the suggestions in with the forums?
It officially is a forum. There is just a lot of feature requests now because its new. Over time it will end up being just as much a normal catagory.

• • does that then also mean that the "normal" forum posts are going to go to UJS?
No, the old forum posts look better than the UJS. And it's more user friendly than the UJS version. The Feature Request forum in UJS is a bit of a test in that way.

• • Do you plan to join more community events? Ideally Manager League or Nation Cup.
No current plans to do this.

• • Whats your favourite puppy in the puppy picture thread?
I like the light ones. Oh wow its 20 pages. I should post a picture of my own puppy!

• • Is Mercer still around?
Yes. He no longer is developing, but he still helps out with the lawsuit and things.

• • why are some artifacts like Supercharge Army Camp or Supercharge Mine incredibly more powerful than their respective power, while others like Fog Buster like so far behind as to be useless ?
There is an internal ordering to territories, so it doesnt just reveal it randomly, and should reveal the most useful next territories. I tried to balance all the artifacts, but I didn't do a good job every time.

• • I feel like clans were better before there were open clans as it was exclusively people who were actively engaged with the game would join them
I want clans to be less exclusive and available for more people. And spread over more clans.

• • would it be a good idea to add a way to downvote in feature suggestion?
I can see why you would want this, but I dont think its really needed.

• • Hey fizzer, are you going to fix the 'no game' problem in Clan Wars?
There will always be 1 person that can end up with a no game.

• • How many templates on the MTL don’t use attack by % and transfer/attack only?
I dont know, MTL is a community event.

• • Hi fizzer, what do you think is the hardest Classic Achievment to unlock, and then the hardest Idle achievment
I dont know, havent looked at the achievements in a long time.

• • uservoice was always dead imo, youre beter of counting all the suggestion threads in the forums that never made it to uservoice
If they never officialy suggested it, the suggestion didn't exist.
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 19:40:37

Level 63

• • Map page overhaul
All this stuff is cool, and it doesnt really have a downside.

• • Attack only / attack by % in CW
I don't really use attack by %, which is why I never added it. But if people want it...

• • Premium colors
If people want to buy them for coins, I dont see why I wouldn't add them

• • Achievement for countries
It's a good idea, will probably happen at some point.

• • QM 80 templates instead of 40
I want to expand the templates, but I'm struggling with the QM voting system. The templates are very style, and new votes only vote on what they like, and they only like what they have played.

• • Add LD Helper mod to tournaments
I'll have to look into the mod before I promote it

• • CW Normalisation Proposal
I didnt know capped clans had such a hard time. There is something I want to do about this, but I don't want to get into CW in this stream too much.

• • Lotto in CW
I'll probably decline this.

• • Prereqs for joining clans
The problem is that it excludes newbies from the game. But I dont see a big problem with this if the requirments are low enough that they can still join after a couple games.

• • Self Hosted Docker
You can just work around this, don't need to self host WZ.

• • Allow custom QM rating range for matching
Several people have asked this over the years. It uses a narrow matching range initially, and slowly grow it over time. It is possible we could add this setting, but this means that you risk not getting a game at all. But that is up to the player, and this request is reasonable.

• • Pay to block idle
This shouldn't be a paid feature

• • Top X players win
Needs more information on how to decide who the top X is.

• • Artifact swapper - swap back
I don't want it to become too OP, so I don't think I will add this.
It should be good enough that people want to buy it, but not soo good the game is unplayable without it. Thats why it only works on manual actions.

• • Armies without order warning
There is a lot of cases where you don't want to move armies. Someone should look into how often players actually do move all their armies.

• • New mod hooks for submitting orders
Yes, I like it, in the context of mod improvements this is high on the list.

• • Performance on website navigation
I don't think UJS is that slow. If its slower than a few seconds for you, please record a video and send it to me. Also add PC specs.

• • Create from game - exactly
This is similar to the Finish versus AI. So it could be done if people vote for it.

• • Options to space out players in auto dist
I envisioned that most maps would use their distribution modes for this. So use a mod

Edited 7/9/2024 21:04:20
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 19:40:50

Level 63

• • What will happen with all the ideas on uservoice?
Move it over if you still have something on there you want to keep, because it will get shut down eventually.

• • Is Mercer still alive? What is he up to these days?
He is alive, and helping with the lawsuit. Not working on Warzone itself.

• • Will the classic game engine (so the core features, not like ladders, the game system)recieve any updates/new features, not many updates recently as its mostly on idle and clan wars
Gameplay changes come from the mods first, and only then get implement once its really really proven itself. I am working on improving the mod framework, rather than developing Classic itself.

• • Were there any modifications made for showing (custom) special units on the map when you recreated the map engine? If yes, would this mean that the current limits on special unit images will be changed at some point?
No, the Babylon rendering was a direct copy of UJS, so this limit hasn't changed.

• • Why does Fizzer hate MTL?
I don't hate it. This is the only event that has a trophy, and is well loved.

• • Can we in the future expect to get an update for bigger icons?
No, this will not get bigger in the future.

• • How many votes would a simple suggestion need to pass (e.g. add attack only to Strat 1v1 in CW or add Premium Green)? And a more complex suggestion (e.g. Redesign Map Page or Add Clan Manager Tiers)?
There is no specific number. It's relative to how good I think it is. If I think its a great idea it doesn't even need a vote, and if I think its a really bad idea it will need 1000s.

• • With regards to the suggestion system as a whole, are you just going to pick the highest voted suggestion and work on that? Balance votes vs effort? Or just use it as an indication for what players roughly want and add features based on that?
Yeah, it's also versus effort, and just as an indicaton.

• • Another thing, last stream you talked about downloading the UserVoice database so the suggestions wouldn't get lost.
I have downloaded it, but I cannot share it because it contains private information. You should copy over your own suggestions.

• • Seperate place for suggestions instead of in forums
Yeah this is mostly because its new. This will fix itself over time.

• • What is still included with the memberships? Seems like more and more is getting free, so why should I pay for the member thing?
See list on https://www.warzone.com/membership. I will also add the extra suggestion vote to that list.

• • are you going to do something about the "no games" in clan wars?
Already talked about this.

Edited 7/15/2024 06:52:36
Fizzer AMA Tuesday 2024-07-09: 2024-07-09 19:58:04

Level 63
Here is the link to the video as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06KwPmbdU7w

(Fizzer must have fast internet if he can upload a 78 minute video that quick...)
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