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Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-14 01:20:01

Vincent Zandi
Level 25
Trying to beat Sinister waters and AI defeated me with a stack of 38 on the first turn. Anyone else ran into this bug before? Im an idiot and can't figure out how to share a screen shot of it.
Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-15 06:19:43

Level 63
You can upload an image to an image sharing service like https://imgur.com/upload?beta

I haven't unlocked that level yet cause I don't bother playing SP, but would it be possible that it has random starts and you just got unlucky?

It's https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer/Level?ID=77 for anyone that wants too take a look at it.

Edited 7/15/2024 06:21:15
Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-21 03:58:34

Vincent Zandi
Level 25

appreciate the help
Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-21 22:55:14

Level 63
Oh, looking at that screenshot its LD (Local Deployment) and MA (Multi Attack).

Did you complete your entire starting island at the end of turn 1?
Because it doesn't look like it, so keep in mind that with MA, you can keep attacking with the same armies.

I'm not sober enough atm to properly explain that, so see https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Multi_Attack and hope its understandable.
Perhaps try it out first on https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?Level=1311287

A play-trough of someone else (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twRD1m4Zx58) show the AI with the big stack being less aggressive there, (at least in the earlier turns), so idk whats up with this without being able to play the levels myself.
Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-22 00:04:01

Vincent Zandi
Level 25
I understand the mechanics, but I didn't believe that the AI had enough troops to cross the waters and destroy my entire stack on turn 1
Sinister Waters bug?: 2024-07-22 06:27:47

Level 63
If you check the first 15 seconds of that YT video, you will see that each AI starts with a different number of armies.
The AI you got crushed by starts with 84 armies.

Haven't counted it out exactly, but each neutral they kill is -1 army from that stack, so it looks about right for them to end up crushing you with 35 armies.
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