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Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:17:58

Level 63
I got the following:
9.3M money
6.5M armies
5 copper wire

For a 500% cache or something (assuming a FC power is 100%), that seems really really low.
Not even enough to capture a single territory.

Is this just a bug in WZ where we actually get a 5% cache instead?

Edited 7/18/2024 20:42:08
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:26:24

Level 60
How much does a FC power reward you?
I know you have a lot of those, you can afford to devote one into science ;)
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:28:58

Level 63
How dare you suggest that?!? I only have 827 of them... :(

Free Cache power:
47M money
28M armies
31 copper wire

From the top of my head, FC power = income/s * 1800 * RNG(0.7 to 1.3)

Edited 7/18/2024 20:31:25
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:31:24

Level 60
So approximately CW cache gives you 20% of the FC.
I assume that math for cache boosts is applied proportionally.

400% != 20%

CW cache is bugged - confirmed.

Edited 7/18/2024 20:32:22
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:41:17

Level 60
I actually managed to check a few caches myself (two from CW, one from seasonal)

Yes, they are fundamentally underperforming compared to expectations.
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:48:54

Level 63
Xeno did some quick maths on Discord, and concluded that the caches give roughly 10% of their expected value.
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:52:23

Level 63
Fizzer has confirmed its indeed broken, and should be fixed soon™
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:53:44

Level 59
Fixed with retro pay?
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-18 20:59:27

Level 63
I think a free legendary fog buster would be a fair compensation for everyone.
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-19 17:24:02

Level 59
Thats because the 500% is not for you, it's distributed for all (usually just 40 or idk.) players who played cw.

You just get a little piece from it.
Is the Clan Wars cache bugged?: 2024-07-19 18:25:41

Level 40
I checked the artifact and got 640% as expected. I don't have a complete test case with all the required info from Ladder/CW:
- Army production when cache is received
- Cache Boost % from tech/artis/CW Rewards/Ladder Rewards/etc
- Size of the cache received

My initial thought was misplaced decimal point 600% = 0.6 instead of 6 so division by 10 which sorts of fitted the pic that was posted on discord and reminded me of the Hospital Boost bug. Since the artifact/FC works I'm leaning towards it only affecting a GenerateGift() routine which seems to be how the CW/Ladder and other "external" rewards are received.

Based on FiveSmith chart my best guess is that everything cache related calls a shared GenerateCache() routine but the gift routine since it can generate powers/artifacts/caches/AP/etc was made to be as generic and as possible. I would not be surprised if on the GenerateGift part for cache he did not hard code 30 minutes and made it a generic (60 * minutes * %Multiplier) instead of (1800 * %Multiplier) like with artis/powers. Based on 5S chart above seems like he did a 1-minute cache for CW/Ladder.
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