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Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 00:25:18

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
I'm starting to build points to spend in Phase Four Advancements. I looked trough the forum and still can't decide which advancement to start building. Reflecting I probably could have spent better in Phases 1-3 if I focused on being further in the game as opposed to immediate needs so am reaching out here.

At this point I'm leaning to Faster Digging so I can build Artifacts more quickly. I think reducing digs from say eight hours to four hours....etc. would really help build Legendary Artifacts. But I don't want to over dig if I can't carry all the Legendary Artifacts through a Super Ascension. As I'm trying to time digs/upgrades/Super Ascension I think I'll be able to upgrade four Legendary Artifacts to one Insane before Super Ascension and perhaps carry one Legendary with me? At that point I may be back. :)

Speaking of Artifacts I've got a Legendary AV and A$B. At this point I have enough Epics to start another Legendary but don't know which one to pick.. I do have an Epic TS. At first glance I'm thinking TS but am willing to wait until a better Artifact comes along.

Any thoughts to share from someone(s) who are further in?
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 00:32:38

Level 60
I'm really enjoying Leg Merc Discount and it's my 4th most used Legendary besides your two... and Time Warp, but I have soured on it a bit.

If you are just entering Phase IV and you already have two Leg, then plan on those [spell edit] being your Insane/Leg pair when you super, I would think. But I have not supered yet, so others will advise better than I.

Edited 9/13/2024 00:33:20
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 00:50:26

Level 40
Considering your needs I would do:
1. Max Better Hospitals =>5518 AP
2. 50% Increased Cache Armies => 9239 AP
3. 5% Advanced Auto-Conquer =>5000 AP
4. Max Faster Digging => 11810 AP
Total AP: 31,567

Have no idea about the state of your p1-p3 but I'm assuming it's "sane". If you can do a Legendary AV and Insane ACacheB with digging, then I would move Faster Digging to first or second otherwise it's pointless to dig more. Unless the plan is to dig a better base to make a 3rd legendary to keep.

You don't really need to upgrade now since you can wait till 5 days before you super ascend to make 4 legendaries to make an insane. I'm assuming you don't have anything really useful at epic atm.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 00:52:16

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
At this point the Leg AV provides enough $ to buy most all of the Mercenaries. Selling alloys/ore get the rest.

Among others I have the following maxed:

Increased Army Camp Production
Joint Strike
Additional Mercenaries

Mercenary Discount
Increased Draft Sizes
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 00:58:44

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
The Artifacts I have:

Legendary AV
Legendary A$B

Epics -
Money Cache
Speedy Crafters
Territory Money Boost
Triple Strike
Supercharge Army Camps

Edited 9/13/2024 00:59:53
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 02:35:04

Level 56

Among others I have the following maxed:

Increased Army Camp Production

Ah... another poor soul that fell into the IACP trap. It feels like the right choice on the early levels but it's utterly worthless (and a huge AP drain) for the mid to later levels.

Also, you didn't mention maxing out IASV. After AM, that's probably the most important advancement to take. There are a handful of levels where just a Legendary AV isn't enough (off the top of my head: EH, HOT, HChina, probably HScandi and several others). You do have MD, but IASV is more powerful than MD, assuming you're draining markets as you should be. Normal builds max both IASV and MD and take a Legendary AV.

BH is far and away the best P4 advancement, it's comically cheap for how great it is. ICA is great too, but it'll take you awhile to max out as it's pricey towards the end. One pip of AAQ is an amazing QoL improvement for mopping up levels that are "complete" (all hospitals taken and markets drained, but most territories not yet conquered).

As for Faster Digging, if it makes your timing for SA better, then you should take it. You need to keep in mind that P4 is by far the shortest phase, despite taking the most AP. You should be thinking now about whether you're going to take another slot (and keep 3 artifacts at SA) or if you're going to go with +%AP and take only 2 artifacts along, that is obviously going to impact your digging (or lack thereof).

AV is the only (more or less) universally agreed upon artifact to keep at the end of SA1. For a second and third, some combination of A$B, A^B, SAC and TW is popular. Pick your poison based on your play style.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 04:13:04

Level 36
My Suggestion:

1st priority - Better Hospital to max (allow many levels to be done Without hospital upgrade)
2nd priority - Simultaneous Levels 2 (double the speed of earning AP, it also allow you to
by always ready for new dig site in one level when you are progressing at the other level)
3rd priority - Autodraft to max (supercombo with your max increased Army Camp Production & Increased Draft Sizes, also allow you to defeat more challenges / idle battle)

After that, choose your faster digging / increased cache armies as you see fit
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 06:57:25

Level 63
1st thing in Phase 4, take Advaced Auto Conquer!!!!!

It basically means that after you get all markets and hospitals, you can just turn it on and be done with level in a few minutes. Saves you clicking on every single territory. Is actually insane how much effort it saves you.

It may not be the best on a AP/time basis. But boy is it worth it in terms of AP/effort.

Edited 9/13/2024 07:00:57
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 07:36:49

Level 63
Ah... another poor soul that fell into the IACP trap. It feels like the right choice on the early levels but it's utterly worthless (and a huge AP drain) for the mid to later levels.

Stop hating on IACP... It makes bigger CRA, bigger drafts, more income when sleeping.
Only idle addicts that set their alarm every 2 hours at night to prevent having to buy idle time hate IACP 😜

In terms of advancements for Phase 4:
1. Better hospitals to max
2. Mix of cache armies and faster digging depending on your needs (depending on if your AP or your artifacts are limiting how fast you can super ascend)
3. A bit of AAQ to help you clean up levels (Note: if you do WZIB, 5% AAQ is way way worse than 50% AQ)
4. Multi level so you can do playing for AP on one map and digging on the other.

Based on the artifacts you have listed above, i think its fasted for you to super ascend with 3 legendary artifacts (AV, ACacheB, ACampB), and not bother with investing in dig speed.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-13 21:30:06

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'll reread the manual to clarify which options might be best going into SuperA. Keeping three Legendary or an alternate strategy.

"Better Hospital" I maxed better hospitals. BH will help me accumulate Advancement points faster. Next I think IA$. Same thinking of sweeping levels faster means accumulating AP faster.

"another poor soul that fell into the IACP trap."

Guilty. That's why I didn't mention maxing IASV, which it is. Building troops has been the priority so I only mentioned troop building Advancements. :)

TW seems expensive and I'm not sure of the strategic benefit.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-14 23:46:15

Level 56

Stop hating on IACP... It makes bigger CRA, bigger drafts, more income when sleeping.
Only idle addicts that set their alarm every 2 hours at night to prevent having to buy idle time hate IACP 😜

It does do those things, but at tremendous cost.

Let's say you want to take IACP to 500%, that costs you 12280 AP. Regardless of what phase you're in, there are much better things to spend that AP on. For example:

Phase 1: 127.5% AM (starting from 0) can be had instead, which is several orders of magnitude more impactful.
Phase 2: Full IASV, MD and IDS can be had with 6117 AP still left over. Plus, IDS (and draft size in general) stacks multiplicatively with IACP, making it both drastically cheaper and also drastically more effective for boosting draft sizes, which is a reasonable thing to want for early SAs (because you won't have enough AP to boost AM high enough to go draft free yet, at least on the first pass).
Phase 3: CSL9 can be had instead, which is just an absolute game changer. You know what's faster than waiting on army camps to generate armies? Everything! But, also not needing to play the level in the first place.
Phase 4: Full BH and 5% AAQ (with another 1762 AP left over). Seriously.

Also, there's (up to) 260% IACP available in the tech tree on every map that costs 0 AP. Because all sources of IACP are additive, the marginal gain of IACP drops off quite quickly.

On top of that, any AP spent on IACP (except possibly the first 1000) is just pure dead weight towards getting to SA, because it doesn't help you unlock the next phase. Any of the other suggestions above (except for AM) don't suffer from this problem.

But truly, the main problem with IACP is that if it looks attractive, it's probably because you're relying on army camps to produce armies for you beyond just getting to the first market. The further in you get, the less feasible this becomes.

Let's look at HChina for example, where the total armies required is 3.9T. Let's say you went really hard into IACP and army camps and are producing an incredible 1M armies per second! At this rate, you will produce 3.9T armies in a little over 45 days, which is glacially slow. In comparison, each 2.5% more AM would give you another 13.94B armies instantly, equivalent to just under 4 hours of army camp production. You may recall that we could have had 127.5% AM instead of 500% IACP, which is worth 710.94B armies, or a little over 8 days worth of army camp production, and again, instantly. Now, some of these numbers are inflated because they ignore the cost reductions from JS and hospitals, but they should give you an idea of the relative benefits.

In general, once you have AM high enough the armies your army camps generate are completely irrelevant as soon as you hit the first market (and represent <0.1% of your total armies earned at the end of the level). Putting more AP into IACP only delays reaching this state, which is why it's a trap.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-15 08:24:41

Unicorn 36-4
Level 23
"but at tremendous cost."

That's the reason why I asked about phase four Advancements in advance.

I'm finishing up on China and troop counts are as follows.

Armies from camps = 22.4B w/Leg SAC
Mercenaries purchased = 339B
Armies from caches = 231.3B

Armies from draft (fixed) = 10.9B
Armies from draft (sliding) = 106.2B

Armies saved from JS = 135.9B
Armies saved from hospitals = 718.2B

At first glance camps contribute the least.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-20 01:16:08

Level 25
As one of the slower long time player (well it's been ovor a week since I last played and thankingfully it appears I 'm done,) The two biggest quality of life improvements from phase 4 are maxing out auto-draft (all the way or nothing) and Advanced Auto-Conquer. I think those two things more than anythiwg elese make this gcame enjoyable. They might not be the fastest to complete a SA, but boy are they nice.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-21 15:43:24

Level 56
The QoL boost from AAQ is very worth it, shaving a few thousand clicks off of a level like EH is great. By the time you hit P4 you shouldn't really need drafts anymore, so Auto-Draft isn't really that exciting anymore, it is quite helpful in WZIB and the challenges though.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-24 21:38:15

Level 60
I don't get why everyone ranks AAQ so high, it's good, but normal 5%AQ works just fine and is way cheaper, aslong as you make sure to keep 20x Hospital savings and get all army caches on free territories, you get every free territory, which is like 2/3 of the map
Then either do manually or just make sure every territory will get JS and turn on AQ again

Edited 9/24/2024 21:38:37
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-24 22:23:17

Level 56
AAQ can easily shave 10-15 minutes off of a level like HRome with faster mop up. Once you're in late P4, that means bringing that level time down from around 30 minutes to around 15 minutes. Not only is that half the time to complete the level, it's also a massive QoL boost from less clicking, which, especially on your first SA during the final P4 grind, is very very grindy.

Plus, you have to spend that P4 AP somewhere. The obvious choices (BH, ICA) only get you part of the way to the 100k goal.
Phase Four Advancements/Legendary recommendations: 2024-09-25 20:49:44

Level 63
AAQ is way better. It takes care of JS for you. AQ will just make your drafting and waiting on army camps at the end way longer.
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