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Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 02:23:49

DOL Admin
Level 29
Duo Open League

Coming next year, specifically on January 6th, 2025, join us for an event much cooler and legal than storming the White House. The Duo Open League is going to be a league a lot like the World Tour hosted by AWP except for 2v2 games. The plan for our inaugural year is quite simple, we'll host a single elimination tournament every month from January to September that will be from a curated list of templates and then the top 16 players over the course of those 9 tournaments will be invited to a double-elimination playoff tournament that will feature picking and banning templates as well as other shenanigans that will be finalized as we get closer to the open.

How do I join?

That's the neat thing, a lot like the World Tour all you have to do is join the open tournaments. We'll open the tournament 2 days in advance for the top 64 players, then open them to the rest of the public. You don't have to have the same teammate across any tournament either.

Do I have to have a teammate?

No, you don't. If you wish to play alone by using an alt this is very much allowed. You must inform us by declaring your alt in this thread or by DMing this account. The alt will not be granted any points though, so it'd be best to play with a teammate if you can in order to guarantee that teammate makes it with you to the top 16.

How will scoring work?
Pretty straightforward:

Top 64: 1 point
Top 32: 2 points
Top 16: 4 points
Top 8: 8 points
Top 4: 16 points
Runner Up: 32 points
Tournament Winner: 64 points

If the interest goes up then next year we'll expand to more tournaments and change this scoring scheme so that there's only a handful of "mandatory" tournaments you need to join to qualify for top 16.

Do you need any help?

We don't really need any organizer support, but template suggestions to curate would be great! Also if you can show support on this thread by posting, and join our discord so that you can get updates as they come that'd be excellent as well! https://discord.gg/HRN2eM8tWT

We'll have a nice looking spreadsheet for scoring and schedule updates. Stay tuned for more information about the top 16 playoffs! We hope for your support and to see you all next year!

Edited 9/27/2024 02:35:37
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 02:56:16

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Looks interesting!

I'd assume that players are allowed to have different teammates for different tournaments if they choose.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 02:58:04

DOL Admin
Level 29
Absolutely, feel free to play with a teammate in 1 tournament, an alt in another, join a random teammate the next, it does not matter we'll still track your points.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 05:13:16

Level 65
Cool, thanks for organizing.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 05:52:25

Level 63
This looks fun - I'm looking forward to it <3
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 06:06:52

Level 65
Interesting, thanks for putting this together! Regarding the playoff tournament, will the series be best-of-1's?
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 08:33:16

Level 63
Jan 6th?? Some call it entrapment, which is very illegal yea ;)

Edit: that was SARCASM

also thx for hosting many community events Mr Kenny

Edited 9/27/2024 09:33:00
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 12:20:34

Level 65
You are amazing, doll admin!
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 12:27:12

Level 59
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 12:42:07

Corn Silver 
Level 62
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 12:46:34

Level 61
I like the sound of this. I sent you a list of 2v2 templates on Discord
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 13:22:39

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
@Octane: The plan is for Bo5s with a pick/ban phase where higher seed will be able to choose red side or blue side which will affect the order of bans/picked templates. I’m still working it out.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-27 18:13:53

Level 65
@Octane: The plan is for Bo5s with a pick/ban phase where higher seed will be able to choose red side or blue side which will affect the order of bans/picked templates. I’m still working it out.

My biggest concern with this format as it is, is that with it being a double elimination playoff, I could realistically see the playoffs lasting a year. The AWP Finals already get close to that mark, and that's with it being 1v1s and single elimination. Team games are generally much, much slower than 1v1s due to the communication barrier, so I feel like shorter best-of-5's are the way to go. Overall though, this is looking like a very cool event, team games never get a lot of spotlight outside of Clan League (and recently Manager's League), so I like the idea of an event dedicated to them.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-28 20:14:44

Level 63
Love the idea, thanks for organizing.

I think Bo5's are going to be way too long too, especially if you want double elim. Probably double elim is enough.

Suggestion for playoffs:

Might be fun to allow top seeds the advantage of forming a team first and then giving the underdogs a slight advantage in the template pick/ban. Like first playoff round, Seed 1 forms their team, then Seed 2 (unless Seed 2 ends up with Seed 1, of course), etc... Then as the playoffs go on, Seed 1 might have to choose between the advantage of a highly ranked teammate or choosing a lower ranked teammate to get the advantage of template pick.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-09-30 18:07:23

DOL Admin
Level 29
After much deliberating this is the proposed format for playoffs:

The top 16 individuals will be invited to a single-elimination tournament. Tie-breaker will go tournament wins --> h2h --> random live draw

Once all 16 individuals have been selected, they will have the choice to form teams between each other. If they can't decide their teams then any solo players will be teamed up by random live draw.

Each teams combined points will determine their seed. 1st seed will play 8th seed, 2nd will play 7th, etc. Each match will be a Bo5.

There will be a pick/ban phase for template selection, the lower seed may decide their "side." Picks and bans will go as such: Ban: Blue/Red/Red Pick: Blue/Blue/Red Ban: Blue/Red Pick: Red/Blue. So Red side will get 3 bans but only 2 picks, and Blue side will get 2 bans and 3 picks.

Every game will have boot settings of 3 day auto boot, 12 day banked time, vacations NOT honored, teammate will turn into AI upon boot. Teammates will be able to take back over from AI twice. Each player will have 3 days to join the game upon game creation. (This goes for tournaments as well minus the 3 days to join the game.)

We're also looking for at least 1 more person to join the template committee so we can start building the template pool. It's going to be a simple process that requires discord. An organizer will post a template ID or game ID and then the committee will react vote to it. No votes will be required to reply to the message with reasoning. Organizers reserve the right to veto a template that may not be a suitable skill metric, or the average game length just doesn't suit the format. In the future templates that do promote long game lengths may be allowed in tournaments but not in playoffs. For now the idea is to have a template pool that will be followed through all 9 tournaments and the playoffs.
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-10-08 14:55:24

DOL Admin
Level 29
Our template committee has been established, special thanks to Octane, Ryiro, and Master Turtle for helping audit a bunch of templates.

We've currently thinned the template pool to these 15 templates:

Type	        Template Name	 Link
INSS	        Biomes	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=30027621
INSS	        Gotham	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34755627
Niche	        Timid Land DF	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=25112769
Niche	        Landria Earth	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=26733523
Niche	        Black Sea Brawl	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34188123
Niche/WR        Asian Wastelords https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=4965658
Standard	Szeuropa	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37683002
Standard	Volcano Island	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37490620
Standard	Final Earth	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=32041379
Standard	Guiroma 	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27429424
Standard	MME	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=29986269
Standard	Cookies	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=18132522
Standard	China	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=11413589
Standard	GME	         https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=5712947
Niche/WR	Yin'angzhou	 https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37481289

We're currently working on refurbishing some of the other templates that were suggested, but we don't intend to release them into the pool until we have some games played on them and some form of public tournament. Hopefully if that all works we'll be at 20 templates in the pool.

Outside of that, we plan to update everyone when our spreadsheet takes shape, and look forward to the tournament draw coming December.
Outside of that all
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-10-08 15:09:22

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Where is Crimea Army Cap? :'(
Announcing the Duo Open League: 2024-10-08 15:13:29

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
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