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Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-01 10:07:25

Level 29
I have a pretty good idea of what a gentlemen's boot is, but so as not to confuse readers in case I'm incorrect, would someone else like to explain the rules, please?
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-01 16:38:13

Level 3
boot is boot
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-01 17:16:36

Level 38
I've never heard this expression.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-01 20:49:59

Level 56
boot with apologizes?
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-02 06:31:14

Blue Precision 
Level 32
As someone who does boot people but considers himself to always act in good faith, I would say the guidelines are as follows:

1) In a one versus one, rarely boot if you think you are behind.I tend to wait extra long (2-3x's the boot or a minimum of a week is reasonable) if I think I'm behind, and outside of tournament mode usually I vote to end first and follow it up by a boot.

2) If I'm clearly ahead I think that the opponent is just making me wait for the sake of it. A "gentleman" would boot to keep a tournament going, satisfying the craving of the hungry players that do give a damn.

3) In a team game a retaliation boot is considered fair so long as the boot does no exceed that which the other team has done to you. If your the first team to boot, warn the other team in public chat and again, wait a reasonable amount of time (at least 2x the boot with a minimum of a week).

4) Exceptions: player reputation. There are some players that I would simply never boot. I will always wait and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-02 14:55:55

Level 3
I agree with BP and would also add, never boot someone who has asked for more time and/or has warned you that they would be away on vacation for x amount of time.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-02 16:31:43

Level 3
lulz wrong wrong wrong.

If boot is 3minutes then boot is ok in any circumstances, bootstthere for a reason, the players all know how long the boot is and if they take over that time then they can go fuck themselves
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-02 18:07:37

Blue Precision 
Level 32
Fair enough, there is some merits of a quick, enforced 3-5 min boot game. I like it because a) it makes alliances hard to coordinate, and b) It has more emphasis on feel (having to make quick decisions) and less on the mathematics that play into the game. Is it my preferred format, absolutely not.

Most people who make them, I find, do so only so that they can boot new players. Moreover, players who play this format, for the most part, are not taken too seriously by experienced players. They become labelled as booters and/or impatient players. But the question was about a "Gentleman's boot" which is implicit that the player did not boot straight away. Therefore, your point is irrelevent to the question. It is not wrong, in my mind, to boot a player who agreed to play in a 3-5-15 min direct boot game, but it is not gentelmanly either.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-02 19:56:07

Level 31
BP hit the nail on the head
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-03 05:29:51

Level 3
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-03 21:49:01

Level 45
IMHO Gentleman's boot consists of the following simple rules:

1-Always asking or warning before booting. Direct boot is never gentlemany.

2-First time waiting for someone, wait for double time of the boot. He/she might have connection problems.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-04 07:27:58

Level 29
Actually, I played a game where the creator explained it very well. I'll have to go search through my game list and post it here. I think it's a good guideline.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-04 18:01:23

Level 5
A gentleman's boot is when you've imbibed too many martinis one evening, order another and while waiting for it to arrive, discreetly and nonchalantly boot to ensure a sucessful rally.

It's like a traditional boot and rally but you can do it while wearing a tuxedo.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-04 18:03:07

Level 49
I saw the definition of a gentlemans bot in one game and i didn't like it.. it had seemed assinine, but i don't recall the definition, lol
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-08 21:49:43

Peaceful Fawn
Level 10
I think the parameters of a "Gentleman's Boot" also changes with the size of the game. I've been in a couple of huge team games on the big maps that were decided by boot a couple of weeks into the game. That is pure crap. If you are going to invest several weeks into a game you should be willing to give players well beyond the minimum boot time to take their turns.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-09 07:29:24

The Impaller 
Level 9
A "Gentlemen's Boot" is where you boot a male player who has previously shown himself to behave in a respectful manner...you know, a Gentleman.


A: "Blue Precision is a class act and he's unfortunately away from the game for a period of time longer than the designated boot time."
B: "What should we do to this gentleman?"
A: "Let's give him the Gentlemen's Boot."

... "Blue Precision was booted by lolololol after he did not make his move for 2 days 15 minutes"
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-10 07:23:39

Level 31
man i cant stand that impaller guy
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-10 14:50:30

Level 60
if someone doesnt go for whatever you consider too long a period of time (the boot time, 2x boot time, 10x boot time, its subjective), and he doesnt post he will be away, then booting is acceptable i think. however, you can always just wait for him to get back if its not a tournament game.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-13 15:11:50

Level 5
impaller can be quite annoyin at times
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-14 12:47:00

The Impaller 
Level 9
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