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Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-15 00:28:13

Level 50
Really, its simple.

Warning, warning, warning. Boot only after the first warning is given and after double the boot time. If a player is consistantly going over the boot time, after being warned, then I feel no further warning is needed.

I think that there is an easy solution, not necessarily the best though. Dont create/join a game with direct boot. Create/join a game that has vote to boot only. This probably would work best in a free for all game, not so much in team games.

See the link I posted recently. http://www.warlight.net/Forum/Thread.aspx?ThreadID=809
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-15 12:16:23

Level 45
I moreless agree with Freddy:

Warning + waiting double boot time (in fast games) the first time waiting for someone.

This should be the general rule, but of course many players aren't going to follow it, or just do it when it's convenient for them.

Gentlemany gentlemans should be considerate and try not to win by booting. Having less players makes games not fun at all.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-15 14:54:52

Level 6
yeah, right.
Start game without direct boot 10 players FFA.

After second turn you have 2 inactives. so 8 people votes to boot both inactives but neither of them can be booted. Excellent idea.

When a boot time is set, that's it. You may be booted if anyone gets tired of waiting, live with that. If you couldnt do your turn in time, suck it up instead of crying that other players are not gentlemen.

The only exception is when somebody asks on public chat not to boot him for some time because he's going away, then booting such a player I would consider as rude.
Otherwise, give me an autoboot option.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-15 20:19:10

Level 50
Gorzki. I agree that joining/creating a game without direct boot is "not necessarily the best" idea.

I like the thought/idea of having an auto boot.
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-15 23:27:09

Level 5
If we had autoboot on, I'd compensate for it by setting much higher boot times (like 3 days)
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-16 01:44:35

Level 2
screw that, thats boring and gay
Gentlemen's boot: 2010-11-16 01:55:53

Level 49
I know people see as Gorzki does, which is why my *quick* games are 2min vote 8 min boot..

but any real player doesn't *want* to win by boot
a real victory is beating X players fairly, elimination or surrender.. boot is intended purely as a way to keep the game going in case a person or persons are lagging behind too badly.

Gentlemanly thing to do is always give a little extra, cause no matter what anyone says... shit happens. there's no reason to be an arse about it, 3 minutes isn't going to kill you to wait to keep the sincerity of the game...

booting immediately at the boot time, can make your XX% win rate look like scrap to anyone that sees, presuming you care... I'd rather win 20% fairly, then 100% cheaply.
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