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Danger Close Wants You!!: 2024-10-27 12:57:17

Level 66
With the new clan wars update and increasing of capped clans to 50 members, Danger Close is recruiting active players who are interested in playing clan wars. If you're new to warzone, veteran, or already in a clan looking for a change, join DC and help earn rewards. Play Idle... Great, the top ranked clans in clan wars share coin and Idle rewards. If interested message me for an invite.
Danger Close Wants You!!: 2024-10-27 15:16:10

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
I was a member for a season on my rather short tour.

Small but good crew. Can recommend and with the rule changes they should do well in clam wars.
Danger Close Wants You!!: 2024-10-27 17:22:03

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
and for Clan League as well (:
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