Dublin Warrior
Level 57
Hi, My first name is Paul, I am 34 years old, and I live in Upstate New York.
I'm looking for the place to introduce myself, and get to know other fans of Warlight, but apparently, I am locked out of posting in most parts of the Warlight Forum as a new member... :P
So, I am requesting technical / instructional assistance...
How do I get access to the Forum so that I may reply and take part in the discussions?
Do I need to pay up first? ( God help me, if that's true. )
Do I need to stick around for a month or something?
I did search the Forum for assistance on getting posting rights to the rest of said Forum, but the search was rather inconclusive, at best.
I even searched the game Wiki, to be thorough, surprising amount of information on there about the Forum, but nothing about getting anything beyond read-only access... which is what I have for what's outside of here...
I would hope that there would be better ways of warding off spammers, but okay? :P
So I looked through the clans, added some people who seemed like cool, nice people. ( I hope I didn't startle anyone, I should probably start some notes to those folks. )
I don't seem to be very good at the Crazy Challenge Level... I even created a no-fog custom practice game, and I stunk at that too. :P
Oh, wait... I guess I found the key to being a part of the community hidden away in some sub-tab called unlockables... so I can either pay up, or I can go and rate a bunch of maps...
This is a... um, strange, convoluted way of doing things. but okay, that's what I will do.