How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:38:44 |

Pink Velvet
Level 60
Hey! So I've been wanting to get into good clans recently, but I feel like I've built a bad reputation for myself in the past due to foolish behavior and I don't know if any good clans would give me a chance to even a tryout game. It's a sad feeling to get rejected w/o knowing why.
Years ago I've played very very casually on the ladders and tourneys, joined and left clans many times, and switched to alt accounts throughout the years and I guess all of that + more has given me a bad look to some folks who don't know me better or don't chat with me often. ;_;
What could a person in my situation do to get a real chance?? (Like in general, what would YOU do in my shoes..)
Keep comments friendly please if you respond to this. I would love honest feedback or non-harsh criticism!
Edited 11/20/2024 14:41:48
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:42:29 |

Level 63
do well on the ladders or clan war and you'll be able to apply for any clan you want
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:59:17 |

Level 63
I hadn't even heard of your account or bad reputation before, don't worry you're not on the nonolet level of infamy yet. Just ask to join a clan that you want and you probably wont get told no because of those past issues because simply no one knows. spotlight effect.
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:36:46 |
Level 6
nö pröblem. my röp is bad. and yet i am in many gööd clans. LÖL!
PS: förgöt any söcial advice coming from söciöpathic L4v.rÖv, LÖL
NÖNÖ ftw!
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:38:52 |
Level 6
@riskbÖy - you söund like a bröken recörd. yöu böre me! yöu are such a funless creatute, feel sörry för yöu. LÖL
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:40:01 |
Level 6
@BÖdski - thöu shalt nöt give höpe to the höpeless. LÖL
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:41:18 |
Level 6
@L4v.r0v - time to finally retire! LÖL.