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How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:38:44

Pink Velvet
Level 60
Hey! So I've been wanting to get into good clans recently, but I feel like I've built a bad reputation for myself in the past due to foolish behavior and I don't know if any good clans would give me a chance to even a tryout game. It's a sad feeling to get rejected w/o knowing why.

Years ago I've played very very casually on the ladders and tourneys, joined and left clans many times, and switched to alt accounts throughout the years and I guess all of that + more has given me a bad look to some folks who don't know me better or don't chat with me often. ;_;

What could a person in my situation do to get a real chance?? (Like in general, what would YOU do in my shoes..)

Keep comments friendly please if you respond to this. I would love honest feedback or non-harsh criticism!

Edited 11/20/2024 14:41:48
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:42:29

Level 63
do well on the ladders or clan war and you'll be able to apply for any clan you want
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:43:04

Level 61
Hey, I am not aware of any of your past issues. Maybe mail me to discuss some of this privately ?

There will be a good Clan for you and I will happily help you to find it.
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 14:59:17

Level 63
I hadn't even heard of your account or bad reputation before, don't worry you're not on the nonolet level of infamy yet. Just ask to join a clan that you want and you probably wont get told no because of those past issues because simply no one knows. spotlight effect.
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 19:50:51

Level 59
(OP is Pichu, which no one else seems to have picked up on?)

Which clans are you talking about? There’s no blanket toxicity ban (Boston exists), so there’s no one size fits all answer. Better to just ask them.

Tbh unless you’re shooting for a CL slot (in which case just get good at a CL template and join Optimum or something), I’d just step back and ask myself what I’m looking for. If a social group you want doesn’t want you, that tends to also imply you wouldn’t have a good time even if you got in. Getting along is a mutual thing.

You do seem polarizing but idk anything about why. Good luck.

Edited 11/20/2024 19:51:40
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:36:46

Level 6
nö pröblem. my röp is bad. and yet i am in many gööd clans. LÖL!

PS: förgöt any söcial advice coming from söciöpathic L4v.rÖv, LÖL

NÖNÖ ftw!
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:38:52

Level 6
@riskbÖy - you söund like a bröken recörd. yöu böre me! yöu are such a funless creatute, feel sörry för yöu. LÖL
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:40:01

Level 6
@BÖdski - thöu shalt nöt give höpe to the höpeless. LÖL
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 20:41:18

Level 6
@L4v.r0v - time to finally retire! LÖL.
How to get into a good clan w/ bad reputation?: 2024-11-20 21:58:05

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Make a new account. Do not talk about the past.
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