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Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-21 12:03:23

Level 16
Have beed playing China map for the last two weeks. Mostly from phone. But today, decided to switch to PC for a moment. So, I opened the game on the phone, pressed "Sync Player" and made sure to give it a couple seconds to work. The map progress was 52% and something.
But when I opened the game on PC, the progress suddenly became 34.94%! (probably the state when I have last synced it from PC, or something like that?..) I opened the game on the phone again - and there it also became 34.94%, with me losing several days' progress despite remembering to sync the game T_T

Created a bug report of course. I wonder: how often does this kind of thing happens? Does anyone have any similar experience? I had it twice, but the first time it was less detrimental, so I just sighed, learned my lesson and started pressing sync button often enough, thinking that it would be enough to prevent any loss in the future.

I guess it's a really good chance for me to finally drop the game that became too addictive; but let's first see if the report gets any reaction...

UPD: Fizzer did everything possible to help, and is very nice and helpful. So, there goes my chance to drop the game: I guess I have no other choice now but to continue :)

Edited 11/30/2024 17:27:04
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-21 12:11:27

Level 63
You have to sync it from the most updated version. The sync button is basiclaly 'create a new save file'. If you just opened the PC without clicking the sync button, it would then auto-sync back to your mobile progress, from which there you should click the sync button.

By clicking sync once you opened it, you told the game to recognise that old save file as the newest and most legitimate one.
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-21 12:16:54

Level 16
> "You have to sync it from the most updated version. The sync button is basiclaly 'create a new save file'."

Yes, that's what I did.
Some days ago I have opened the game on PC the last time. After that I played only on the phone.
Then I pressed "sync" on the phone to "save" the current state, and after that opened the game on PC - but it loaded the old state, ignoring the fact that I have just synced from the phone :(

Edited 11/21/2024 12:17:03
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-21 12:21:47

Level 63
You should load into the PC and not touch anything for a few seconds, then it will sync to your progress from the phone. Don't press save immediately.

If it doesn't work, then go onto the phone and press sync and then try again.
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-21 12:24:22

Level 16
> "You should load into the PC and not touch anything for a few seconds, then it will sync to your progress from the phone."

Yes, normally it would, but this time it didn't sync (download the state) for some reason.

> "Don't press save immediately."

On PC, I didn't press sync at all.

> "If it doesn't work, then go onto the phone and press sync and then try again."

Exactly what I was going to do. But the problem is, on the phone it also reverted to the state of several days ago.

It's as if when I opened the game on PC, it uploaded the state to the servers, instead of downloading the fresh "save".

Edited 11/21/2024 12:45:34
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-23 15:31:28

bliss machine
Level 62
the phone app doesnt work well in china, and vpn is unstable these days
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-23 16:46:38

Level 16
I'm actually in Europe... unless you mean to joke about me being affected by playing specifically China map :)
Lost several days of progress: 2024-11-24 14:26:28

Level 15
When you show up on the forum with a Chinese name, it is not weird for others to assume, that you live in China.
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