Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:21:43 |
Level 15
What is the point of 'Skip a level' bonuses ? Why should I want such? I am enjoying this idle game, I enjoy the progress I make over time. Skipping a map, would take away from my fun, no?
I must be missing something, why are those bonuses in the game, it seems to encourage a player to skip ahead.
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:29:46 |
Level 63
it's so some players can skip ahead to get more ap faster
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:33:15 |
Level 63
Not recomended to use it in the early phase, but after Super Ascension, there is a level 'Hex Earth' which is the final level and has a huge amount of AP. So I use it to skip to that.
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:35:58 |
Level 57
Early on in Idle the skip level is of little use, in fact it can cause problems if you move ahead without good advancements. Later on skip levels can be useful to concentrate on those maps that give the best AP returns. I recommend just saving them until after you have Ascended.
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:38:49 |
Level 15
Interesting, while I have your ear, another question if you allow me .. The bonuses from research 'Increase sales tax', promising a 30% increase from all territories. I must be misunderstanding that one, as those bonuses don't seem to be 30%. Say I'm now at 40K/sec income, I would expect a 30% increase of that number, but it never does, the gain is much smaller. What is it that I don't see ?
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:39:40 |
Level 63
The boost is additive, not multiplicative So maybe you already have a boost of 30%, then another 30% boost will only get you 16/13 of your current production
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:40:16 |
Level 63
Also, should be most of your income coming from bonuses, not territories, so the effect of territories is relatively smaller
Skip level ?: 2024-11-24 14:42:22 |
Level 15
Understood, you have my thanks.