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Star Wars map - Shameless Self-Promotion: 2024-11-28 13:58:18

Level 58
Hi everybody!

The reason for this post is more humble that it seems: after years of neglect I took my old Star Wars map and made a complete restyle of the map. Updates are not advertised and in this case, the map is practically a different one, so i wanted to warn the world there's a new Star Wars map in town!

Here's the link: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=106401

She wasn't well received when it went out, and for good reasons: she was unintuitive, awkward and awfully cramped of stuff that would only disorient players. A mess, and one full of mistakes. But it was my first map and I had learnt to draw on a computer while making it (in a couple of months), so, I was still proud of her.

Now, having more experience, I decided to fix her, making her much better visually and less unintuitive (I hope).

BEWARE THOUGH! She still remains full of so much stuff that she won't be an effective wargaming map. Yet, it wasn't the goal, and so I kept the visually confusing but lore-rich soul she had when she came to the world. As I said, a restyle, not an overhaul. In the meantime I am making a wargaming version without the visual punch in the face you get now.

The goal is to provide a map where players can ACT as characters of the Star Wars lore: from a bounty hunter to the sith Master or own a Mega-Corporation financing the Confederate Secession. Have fun!
Star Wars map - Shameless Self-Promotion: 2024-12-07 15:16:27

Rex Imperator 
Level 59
OK thank you !
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