Some thoughts of this, from someone who's studied revolutions (the good and the bad):
The political establishment is finished, both in Europe and in the US. Whatever the dominant political system in current "Western" states will be in 20 years, I doubt it will be the same it has been for the past 50 years. Class struggle is real, and the super-rich won. Took them decades to buy control of politics and media, but it is obvious the process is nearly complete.
Elect whatever party you like, the super-rich come out on top. Read whatever (major) newspaper you like, the news will be brought to you by the richest and biased in favor of the richest (9 out of the 10 largest German newspapers are owned or otherwise controlled by the 0.01%).
Common folks are starting to realize they are scammed, because their quality of life goes down, not up. They know their opinion has no influence whatsoever on political decisions. If you need proof for that, read this:'s not just the US, it's happening in countries like Germany too.
So common folks revolt and vote for "outsiders", mostly from the far right because the far right offers the simplest solutions: Kick out immigrants, and everything will be fine. Deny trans people healthcare (and basic human rights), and you'll have to pay less for yours. The far right knows how to present these groups as "lightening rods" for public anger.
Once the far right is in power they might get by for a couple years ostracizing one group after the other, but they'll still be subservient to big money, doing everything in their power to make insanely rich billionaires even richer. The "money pump" sucking from poor and middle class to give to the richest keeps running. So common folks get even poorer.
The far right's hold on power will be anything but secure once people realize far-right policies make their lives even worse. That's why the far right will do anything in their power to keep them dis-informed and suppressed. The billionaire clique will offer support, be it in form of money, controlled press coverage and tweaked social media algorithms.
And there's climate breakdown. It's real. It's bad. It's 100% caused by humans. And it's going to get a lot worse in the near future. I have seen the latest data, and there is no way to keep heating below 2°C. We're heading for peak civilization, when there is no longer enough time to rebuild between ever-more-frequent and ever-more-devastating disasters, be it floods or droughts or fires.
Lots of instability ahead.
I propose transitioning to a new form of democracy that is a hybrid of elections and drawing people by lot in order to giver everyone a say, not just the 0.01% who run the system now. The alternative is fascism, and - as history tells us - fascism sucks.