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Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 18:11:08

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Please join me for an Ask-me-anything session live on twitch!

This will happen on Monday at 11am PDT. See this link for the time in your local time zone: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=December+23rd+at+11am+PST

I'll also go over all the new updates and I'll be answering questions from the community live on twitch at https://twitch.tv/FizzerWL .

If you can't make it but still have a question, leave it as a reply in this thread and I'll go over it on stream. You can view the recording after it's over.

EDIT: It's over! You can watch a recording here: https://youtu.be/KGyigEAUD0c

Edited 12/23/2024 21:14:58
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 18:50:47

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
Ask you anything?

I have a paid off home, Well insulated, roofs, water heater amd windows done right in the last 5 years.

However it's in a small town. I could sell and move to Ottawa, but I'd be renting.

The financial numbers work out about the same [The money I save on taxes and maintenance plus dividends from investing the proceeds equals roughly the rent plus a bit, I ignore capital gains because owned home, vs shares math hard] [unless I rent a room in the house which I may]

I am worried about the issues of renting like noise levels,bugs and bedbugs, being renovicted and rents could keep going higher and higher, as they have been in the past in the Canadas, on the other hand, Ottawa is better than living in the great Cornholio [check out Urban dictionary for Cornwall Ontario, it's more brutal than an Austrian Death Machine album] and when something goes wrong, big or small it's very difficult to find someone who is both reasonably priced and competent. I've had meh experiences. Also it's nice to know that if anything goes wrong, not my problem.

So views?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 18:56:54

Level 63
a Christmas special :o
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 19:12:20

Level 63
Why are the new groups using negative ids?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 19:30:17

Level 60
Great update! Thanks for the new content and fixes.

One thing I've noticed is that I won't get a notification on my phone about a new warzone update until the app is actually updated. Maybe notify us when there is a new blog post by you?

ps: I'll make a feature request of this, but still wanted to put it here
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 19:31:49

Level 63
@Dutchman: do you have these turned off?

https://www.warzone.com/Notifications/ > Config
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 19:58:35

Level 60
Ive got them enabled yeah. I did get a notification about it like 2 minutes ago

Edited 12/22/2024 19:58:53
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 20:42:25

Level 63
since the chance of CW algorithm, does a FW still increase the rating? is that still needed?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 20:56:09

Level 64
In idle, if you're running multile levels at once, pressing the "Tap again to resume level" button takes you to the first level in your list instead of the last level you viewed. Was this set like this on purpose?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 21:42:27

Level 60
Rejecting the idea of including the MTL in the ladders is obvious as it’s a community created and managed event. However there is a fundamental issue that can be addressed which is that the community feels that the current 1v1 ladder doesn’t show the true competitive nature that the game can reach so they must create their own ladder.

What are your thoughts on updating the 1v1 ladder to use varied competitive templates?

Edited 12/22/2024 21:48:37
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 22:17:56

Level 59
  • What is going to happen to legacy uncapped clans? (Are they going to be capped? Will they be forcefully converted into Groups? Will legacy clan owners receive a refund?)
  • Are Groups going to remain uncapped and free to create?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 22:38:16

Level 63
1. How are groups going to work on mobile? Besides the global and clan chat there doesn't appear to be much space for any groups?

2. ETA for when the update will be out for mobile?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-22 22:40:04

Level 60
why slot #2 of clan war is discriminated?

All other slots usually have 3-5 templates every time with great variety. But why there are only 2 ( or sometimes only 1) templates for slot #2, and these 2 templates are always on the Small earth map. The strategic templates like French Brawl, guiroma, Greece ... never showed on slot #2.

You should understand that players of this game come from all timezones in the world and some can only play slot #2. So I hope slot #2 should be treated equally like any other slot of Clan war.

Edited 12/22/2024 22:40:55
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 09:30:24

Rex Imperator 
Level 59

I'd like to ask you something, Fizzer. I'm a diplo player, and sometime, when I creat it, I need to change some bonus value. Can you make
a better tool for that, like a map, you click on the bonuses on, and you can change the number, with, on the side, a button to show the custom scenario if there's one.

I pray my dear Fizzer, to consider this question, and to do the best as you can.
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 14:20:37

Level 59
  • Is improving Groups your top priority at the moment?
  • What improvements should we expect? Is it realistic to think that Groups will be like Clans and the only difference will be that groups cannot play in Clan Wars?
  • Some particular features that are missing from Groups are:
    • Ability to invite to tournaments.
    • Ability to see on player's profile what groups he belongs to.
    • Ability to access group forums from all forum list (could be one forum for all groups and then individual group sub forums within it).
    • Group page could have group picture, description, player names could have tags (like on clan pages).
    • Sort players by when they last played.

  • Do you plan any chat improvements like more than 100 shown messages or higher character limit? If a group has large amounts of players, keeping up with all messages can be difficult.

What are your thoughts about this Clan Wars tactic:
Strong clan mass joins a template slot and gets a game against every other player on that template. This means that strong players get easy games against weakest clans which leads to this clan getting more points as result.
Do you find this tactic acceptable? Do you plan to introduce any measures to discourage clans from flooding one slot to get more easy wins?
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 15:12:58

Level 63
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 16:44:49

Level 63
What do "groups" bring besides being a clan with a different name?

It simply baffles me.
Also, Iam in a clan, I don't want to be in another clan....
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 16:45:02

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
Question 1
Is it possible for you to tweak the ladder rating system to be less of a grind. The new ladder rating system has made it very difficult to get to the level of decent competition in the game, obviously having the rating system changed from the old elo system prevents gaming of the system, but also incentives players to not play it since they likely have to grind out 30-40 games to get to the point of having consistently good games.

For the team game ladders, it's even worse, because having to play 20-30 games to contend for first just makes it so that very few high level players will them.

Question 2
You mentioned how you want to keep the MTL separate to differentiate it as a community run event. Is there a way we could have you increase visibility too them. As a previous organizer of community events it often takes significant effort to get the average player to know these events even exist. Maybe add it to the home page?
I don't want to have to do this again.

Edited 12/23/2024 17:57:48
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 16:51:36

Doctor K 
Level 62
Clan Wars Free Games Question:

Suppose 4 from one clan and 2 from another enqueue for Strat 2v2.
Will Strat 2v2 give two free games to the second pair from the same clan?

Suppose 3 from one clan and 2 from another EnQueue for Strat 2v2.
Will the 3rd from first clan get a free game?

In either case...

If so, this would appear to be an abuse of the system.

Edited 12/23/2024 18:55:21
Fizzer AMA Monday 2024-12-23: 2024-12-23 16:53:16

Doctor K 
Level 62
Love the new Arena Match Feature in Idle! Thank you.

What are the chances of refreshing the selection of games?
I.E., use QuickMatch Templates the individual has already unlocked.

More Info Here: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/801120-idle-arena-quickmatch-refresh

Edited 12/23/2024 16:56:04
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