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Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-10 22:06:53

Level 3
I have just made a bet regarding a gift card and it seems that I lost.
Several times when I played teamgame (2-3 months ago) my team mate was eliminated because gift card did not work before move. Ie:
My teammate had the last land so i gave him via gift land close to me. Unfortunately he was eliminated instead of getting a gift.
My friends told me that I say nonsense so we tested this today and gift card wordked before move. Has anyone noticed a similar thing in the past?
I do not care that I lost bet - I care about my reputation :-D

Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-10 22:44:58

Level 2
cool story bro
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-11 10:17:32

Level 29
I thought all the cards' effects took place prior to any attacks/transfers?

On a funnier note: I have abandoned myself to death. Yes, if you use an abandon card on your last territory you will be eliminated. I wonder if you can gift yourself to death, too....
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-11 12:17:15

Level 3
You're right, Gift cards happen after deployments and airlifts, but BEFORE attacks. I'm sure that a few times it happened differently and gift card worked AFTER attack which resulted my team mate was eliminated. Maybe it was a bug that was corrected with the latest update.
I have played almost 800 games and look for two games in which the error appeared its a pain in the ass.
I thought that someone might notice a similar thing in the past.
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-11 19:12:11

Level 64

Warzone Creator
The game won't let you gift an eliminated player back to life. Even if they were just eliminated that turn, the gift will fail if they're eliminated before it happens.

You can see this if a player abandons their last territory before a gift, or if they themselves gift away their last territory.
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-11 21:54:57

Level 49
how would it determine gifting order?
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-11 22:46:36

Level 3
I'm lost now ...
Ie: Turn 15
Team A:
Player 1
Player 2
Team B:
Player 3
Player 4

Player 1 has only one land and he is surrounded by Player 3 and 4 so he will be eliminated.
Player 2 - in the same turn Player 2 gives Player 1 land in safe place via Gift Card.
Turn 16:
We tested this scenario and the Gift Card saved Player 1 from elimination :-)

But as mentioned, a few months ago the same situation = Player 1 is eliminated. I saw it 2 times (Europe and Poland Big maps). Bug?
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-12 05:26:05

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Can you give a link to the game?
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-12 12:34:12

Level 3
This is a link to the test game where the Gif Card saved player from the elimination
which proved that Gift Cards happen after deployments and airlifts, but BEFORE attacks (as mentioned in the FAQ).

Unfortunately I can not find two games, where the card worked AFTER attacks which resulted the elimination of my team mate. I played almost 800 games on different maps so finding the two games using the current search I consider it a waste of time :-/
I'm sure one of those games was played on a map of europe in teams, so if there is a filter, which i can use to search I will be more than happy :-)

I do not want to be a pain in your ass Fizzer, and I understand that helping me to look for these two games is not something you want to do considering how many things you have in mind so no sweat :-P
I thought that someone else noticed the same thing and can confirm that previously the Gift Card worked AFTER attacks.

Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-12 15:04:44

Level 3
Yea, there probably isn't much that can be done here unless you can find an example of a gift card happening after attacks. I've yet to see this happen.
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-11-13 15:09:36

Level 5
lol what o.O
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-12-03 23:59:33

Level 3
After several weeks of long-term exploration of old games I finally found a match, which I thought would help us:
In turn 11 my teammate Captain used abandon card which explains his elimination.
I am sure that the situation in the second game was identical so everything is explained now :-)
Thanks for the reply anyway,
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-12-24 07:58:57

Level 3
I believe that most cards can go off at different times. The reinforce card goes off in the beginning, but the raise priority and lower priority cards go off when you want them to...

So, if you used the gift card before deploying, then your teammate would get it then. If you used it after you have made a few attacks on an enemy (and the enemies first attack killed him) he would not get it.

I am still a bit new to this game, but I believe that is how I have seen most cards work.
Gift card vs Elimination: 2010-12-24 12:31:17

Matma Rex 
Level 12
Zaga, I think that only the Order Delay card works that way. All other cards always make effect at the very beginning or end of the turn, and their order is also always the same (for ex. first Abandon, then Airlift, never the other way).
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