Much like the Multi-Day Ladder there is another great CLOT for warzone players to enjoy this one specifically made to replace the old Real-Time Ladder that has been removed from the game. You can either join the ladder directly via the CLOT or by linking your WZ account to the discord bot and using the bot to join via people's discord.
Where do I find the CLOT?You can can find the CLOT at From there you will need to sign into the CLOT, and you can find the ladder itself at From there it's as simple as hitting "Join Ladder"
How do I join via discord?Chances are if your in a WZ discord they already have this bot set up, but you can find it on the WZ Public Discord (
You will need to dm the WarzoneBot with your token using bb!link me, and then you can join the RTL from any discord server that has it.
What templates does the RTL useThe templates on the RTL will be getting updated sometime soon, but in the meantime, the templates are: Strat ME, Phobia WR, French Brawl, Biomes of America, Guiroma, Blitzkrieg Bork, Malvia, Strat Greece, Post Melt Antartica, yinyang'zhou, Hannibal at the Gates, Cat Fight, and Laketown. If you don't like any of these templates you can also veto them.
If you have any templates you think it should have please let me know.
What else can B's CLOT do?B's CLOT is the best place to create custom tournaments (seeded, swiss, etc.), monthly circuits, and leagues. It's been used by clan league itself for the past 6 seasons.
-B's CLOT Discord server -