Exerpt from the Wolves' clan forum:
There once was an innocent, little pony called Muhammad who snuck up behind Houston with her little black cock And decided it was a bad idea and fucked Semi in his tight, wet vagina. Muhammad moaned in pleasure as her cock was greeted happily by Semi's little, wet, tight pussy lips. Semi screamed in pleasure as a 9-inch cock destroyed him vaginally. And it was still growing. Oh, did it grow, and Semi felt it too. It was the signal of an upcomng erection as Muhammad's 20 ft pole impaled Semi, he screamed out in a fury: "Is that all? HARDER!!!" "I AM A PONY GOD" he said as it grew and then Muhammad ejaculated and filled Semice's womb with semen and Semi had a baby named Osama bin Laden who then was fucked by his own father.)
Do not join the Wolves unless you're prepared.