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Autowin Arena games must go (or at least optional): 2025-01-27 14:33:21

Level 57
I am in the phase before SASC and playing available arena games just to get wheel turns for earning powers.
However a autowin does not count for wheel turn, but the arena is gone for nothing.
In the last phase i have 5 almost finished levels, which are used for digging and wheel turning.

If I get disturbed only for a few seconds, the arena is lost.
Autowin Arena games must go (or at least optional): 2025-01-27 14:46:29

Level 64

Warzone Creator
If you go to Quickmatch -> Play Now, you can play a game at any time that will unlock the wheel. As an added bonus you can control what template you'd like to play on.
Autowin Arena games must go (or at least optional): 2025-01-27 14:58:32

Level 63
If you don't have QuickMatch because you use the idle-only app, you can download the full Warzone app from https://www.warzone.com/mobile

You can use the same account in both apps, so you won't lose any progress. (Note that due to how idle syncs, it's advisable to only use 1 of the 2 apps.)

To completely recreate the idle-only-app experience you might want to set your startup mode to idle in the app settings, otherwise it will by default load into multiplayer.

Edited 1/27/2025 15:02:51
Autowin Arena games must go (or at least optional): 2025-01-28 14:36:50

Level 57
Thanks to @Fizzer. I had no idea, that a quickmatch will also give me the wheel turn.
So there is no need for arena games any longer, as powers from the wheel were the only cause playing arenas.
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