Hello and welcome, foreigners!LND here to give you a sneak peek behind the curtain into the lives of the ANZ Warzoners!
This year has seen us kick off our ANZ-only tournament series:
the Kangas and Kiwis Series!This is a tournament series is only for ANZ Warzoners, designed to foster community, identify new talent and keep our skills sharp when we're not playing Nation's Cup together!While the majority of the tournaments will be kept just for us, I would like to share an event with the community at large.
The first tournament of the 2025 Kangas and Kiwis Series, it's the...
Australian Warzone National Championships!https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=60076This event kicked off on January 26th, and eighteen aspiring Aussies are battling it out on Hannibal at the Gates! This is template #11 on the MTL, and it's hard to claim to be a competitive Warzone player if you haven't played HatG yet!
Here's our contenders:
Who will come out on top and claim the title of best player in Australia??? Feel free to make your predictions below!

A note about Australia DayYou may have wondered: why start this tournament on January 26th? This is Australia's national day, which marks the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet at Botany Bay in 1788. This date is quite controversial, as for most Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people (the original custodians of the land we know as Australia), this date marks the beginning of centuries of invasion, dispossession, genocide and systemic racism at the hands of the European colonisers. The profound effects of this are still felt today by Indigenous Australians. This date is therefore often called Invasion Day and is a day of mourning for many Indigenous Australians. Many people in Australia of varied cultures believe the date should be changed to one that everyone can unite in celebrating, although lots of others disagree and insist Jan 26th is fine.
I decided to stick with this date for our tournament because a) it is still our official national day and more so b) it fit nicely with the rest of our K&K tournament schedule. I'd like to acknowledge the variety of thoughts and emotions people may experience on January 26th, and hope that our country can soon come to agreement on a date where all of us can unite in celebrating what an awesome country we live in!
Edited 1/29/2025 11:15:25