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What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 13:29:29

Calico Jack
Level 59
Since yesterday this wonderful calculator site is offline. Anyone has an idea if it's planned to come back online?


There's nothing like the convenience of using the calculator to calculate exactly how many armies I need to kill a defending commander with 20 armies. Seriously, how can I've even play the game now that I've got to use the slow and cumbersome ingame calculator?

While we're on the topic of dysfunctional sites, anyone has an idea what happened to 5smiths' wonderful CW stats? I assume it went broke after recent CW changes?


Found the calculator archived at:
---> Calculation helper functions

Edited 2/14/2025 21:43:04
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 14:36:58

Level 40
If you go to https://nghood.com it says the site has been moved to https://warlight.nghood.com
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 15:01:57

Calico Jack
Level 59
Sadly that awesome M'Hunter calculator is not there. It was my most used WZ tool. I downloaded it at one point, but can't find it anymore. Might get in touch with the MHunter clan to see what's going on.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 16:11:22

Level 40
You can still use Game > Analise Attack or use the Analise button when making attacks. Not the same but it'll have to do.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 16:14:45

Calico Jack
Level 59
Yeah I know about analyse attack. But the NGHood cheatsheet was so much easier, it's like doing 10 steps back in usability ;-)
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 16:37:11

Level 62
Norman usually checks forum from time to time, you can find him on the warzone discord as well I believe
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 20:57:35

Level 58
Oh, sorry I didn't know someone actually used my calculators, that's pretty sweet. Usually people just seemed to stare blank when I showed them my calculations. Yeah, I moved my WarLight guides to the subdomain https://warlight.nghood.com. That way I have room for multiple subdomains for different interests of mine. The old site had some technical problems like no HTTPS and I have to admit that I even lost the code (PC crashed and never pushed to anywhere) ;) The new site is publicly hosted via GitHub pages: and is far more lightweight and easier to maintain. https://github.com/Norman1/warlight-guides
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 21:05:56

Calico Jack
Level 59
I read your guides ages ago. They were pretty damn useful at that time. That calculator though, I started using it all the time since years. Incredibly useful, so thanks again!

You're saying the code for that one is lost though? At least I couldn't find it in your links there.

I guess if I'm motivated enough I could write another myself. Just need some time and a bit of hyperfocus : )
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 21:30:51

Level 58
It can get easily done with an excel spreadsheet or using a Google Docs. I assume you were just using 1 or 2 of the calculation options anyways and not everything. If you know what you have to prompt, ChatGPT can do the work nowadays ;)

With the code, I meant the source code.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 21:40:38

Calico Jack
Level 59
not a bad idea. I'll put it on my todo list, and hopefully get around to it soon.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-01-29 21:51:19

Level 40
ChatGPT would be no good, Warzone is too niche for it to know how to perform army loss calculations. It doesn't understand any APIs for Warzone. Also the way that most AI-models go about getting training data or "learning" is unethical like not respecting licenses for open-source code (does not provide attribution which is common for licenses such as MIT) or calling use of copyrighted IP as "fair use" when no explicit consent was given.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-02-14 17:13:10

Level 40
Found this link saved in my userscript backups - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/390496-ujs-ported-luck-graphs

It's browser-only and requires a browser extension - a "userscript manager" - to be installed
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-02-14 18:13:08

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I think learning killrates is actually quite easy and will save you a lot of time compared to a calculator.
You need to know only 4 things to perform all calculations in warzone very quickly. (for 60%/70% killrates)

1. Dividing by 6
2. Dividing by 7
3. The offense kills for 1-9 attackers
4. The defense kills for 1-9 defenders

The example how much you need goes like this for your 20+commander example:

1. Commander is 7 - I assume you know that - so you have 27 defenders.
2. Modulo Divide 27/6 = 4 rest 3
3. Calculate 4*10 + 5 (5 comes from applying offense attackers needed to kill 3) = 45

For defense you apply the same with the respective defense numbers.
If you spend 3 weeks practicing these calcs in your head, it will come completely naturally in seconds to you.
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-02-14 21:33:27

Level 61
Even as a very experienced player I still use my Excel calculator nearly every day to see whether I can hold an indefinite attack based on [attacker units, attacker income, defender units, defender income]

It’s easy to calculate one turn but I find the iterative calculations to be opaque sometimes. For instance, 1 defending unit with 22 income behind it can hold 19 attacking units with 17 income indefinitely even though my intuition says the attacker will break through easily.

Edited 2/14/2025 21:35:35
What happened to Mhunters Cheat Sheet and Calcul?: 2025-02-14 21:40:00

Calico Jack
Level 59
Calculating the killrates would probably be good for the braincells. Unfortunately i'm quite lazy, and i found my fav calculator again.

It's not perfect, and some improvements could be made. But it's good enough for most purposes.

It's hidden under:
---> Calculation helper functions

Edited 2/14/2025 21:42:26
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