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problems with america: 2025-02-01 15:55:29

Level 40

  • lack of publicly funded services (health, education)
  • elects a business-man as a politician
  • no national data security regulations (up to businesses themselves that sell or give away personal data about you [such as your name, email address, phone number, actual address]; in eu-countries and the uk this is illegal)
  • wants to de-regulate everything (ai, speech, business practices; including data sharing)
  • does not have a problem with hate-speech (promotes free speech, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination)

The benefit of public own health/education is that everyone gets the same level of health/education regardless of economic status.

Business people have conflicts of interest due to supporting 'lobbyists' that provide monetary reasons to take what they want into written law.

National data protections are needed to prevent spam, scams and other unsolicited mail, email and sms messages.

De-regulations are bad because it's up to business themselves to protect customers rather than the government protecting them, their property and their data.

Hate speech is bad for clear reasons. Use better phrasing to share your own opinion, without resulting to profanities, death wishes or other derogatory language.

This is my opinion of things wrong with the country, feel free to share your own.
problems with america: 2025-02-01 15:59:02

Level 62
Treating housing as an investment instead of a commodity.

This provides an incentive to discourage the construction of new housing.
problems with america: 2025-02-01 16:07:15

Level 40
^ same problem exists where i live
problems with america: 2025-02-04 13:30:12

Level 62
Reported for hate speech against Americans.
problems with america: 2025-02-04 15:03:48

Level 40
^ this thread isn’t abusive or threatening, therefore is not hate speech. If this thread were to be deleted, that would be censorship.
problems with america: 2025-02-05 15:03:05

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
I am pretty sure Rento was just taking the piss.
Although being political, I don't know how those rules apply to the off topic area.

The reason housing is restricted is many fold but it isn't because it's seen as a investment instead of a commodity

The problem isn't a businessman as president, it is that particular businessman as president. That voters could pick someone so unqualified for office or as that "Libtard" Mitch McConnell as unfit for office [and yes I was being sarcastic about the libtard thing]
Everyone is going to have biases and or susceptibility to bribery, and or they will be true zealots who just ignore the real world around them.

For decades now, every election, Canadian, provincial, and 'merica I get more grossed out and more convinced that absolute monarchy is the better way to go, even though I am not a fan of Chuck. It's time to put Charles in charge of our days and our lives. Strange women lying in ponds giving out swords is where I'm at <seriously>. Pretty sure Aubrey Plaza, Kate Micucci, Charleyne Yi or that Wednesday chick have time [Not seriously]

Hell if Chuck or Willie don't do it, at this point we would be better off with Scott Baio.

Now a country with REAL problems is South Korea. I hope NewJeans fixes their management issues ;)

Edited 2/5/2025 15:03:43
problems with america: 2025-02-05 15:41:15

Level 61
I’m Canadian and I wasn’t aware we have royalists, let alone “Charles in Charge” supporters in 2025

What has Trump done to my country?
problems with america: 2025-02-05 16:06:38

Level 40
@morg rules specifically say to make political things in off-topic forum thread. I think what Rufus said is meant to be a joke, but someone did delete one of my threads in the past for being "hate-speech" even though it wasn't (it's why i deleted my account, something clearly wrong with admins), and there's no clear indicator that it is a joke, so i took it a face-value.

I would be inclined to agree that Trump in particular is problematic. Someone else should have represented the party (ironically if he didnt run for president, he would have been arrested). He calls Biden "Sleepy Joe", yet Trump is only 4 years younger, so isn't he also a bit old?
problems with america: 2025-02-05 16:40:46

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
"’m Canadian and I wasn’t aware we have royalists, let alone “Charles in Charge” supporters in 2025

What has Trump done to my country? "

1: Pretty sure it's just me. There are multiple monarchy stan/fanboy groups in the Canadas but as far as I know they are all on team constitutional monarchy not absolute monarchy.

2: I did say for decades now I've been getting more and more convinced so you can't pin this on Trump, or Trudeau as much as everyone these days seems to love to blame everything on those two. Ohhh I lost clam wars on bad picks, that damn T*****.
Well they would if they were not blaming JK for everything.

Although I think Hans Herman Hoppe was living in a bit of a dream world in his book Democracy the God that Failed in terms of the policy results of absolutism and it seems most of his followers are also wackjobs, I was strongly inclined that way before I read his book. He does however make good points about the differences in incentives between a legitimate accepted monarchy and your bog standard dictator.

Oh god I am so alone! Maybe I should get some cats.
problems with america: 2025-02-06 03:29:15

Level 59
Treating housing as an investment instead of a commodity.

This provides an incentive to discourage the construction of new housing.
Cause and effect reversed. Housing (i.e., land near booming metropolises) is a viable investment because the supply can be effectively cartelized under our systems of governance.

Imagine if every existing bank got to vote on whether each new bank would get chartered, or a nationwide doctors' guild got to decide how many residency slots we should have in the country, or if all the major oil exporting countries got together to control the global supply of oil. Similarly, every homeowner who already lives in San Francisco, plus renters who already can make rent in San Francisco, get to vote on whether we can expand the housing supply in San Francisco. The population of San Francisco has stayed roughly around 800k since the 1970s downzoning.

As long as we have local governments planning housing, we can cartelize housing. Analogously, as long as we centrally plan migration, American labor can cartelize as a whole; indeed, this is half of why we centrally plan migration.

I think all these problems are downstream of challenges in democracy design + trade offs based on the revealed preferences of the electorate.

By example, we have an innate conflict between social security solvency, the age of retirement, fertility rates, and migration to expand the labor force. The electorate does not want to raise the retirement age nor does it want to (nor do we know how to; the main challenge is increasing family formation in the 20s) raise TFR to above replacement. So we've accepted migration & made peace with some level of social security insolvency.

But due to the fragmented nature of democracy, few of us have to explicitly accept the trade off we've made. Instead we treat each of our wants as an absolute and get lost in a cycle of mood swings.

This is also just downstream of national identity. If you're part of an imagined community of American workers or Palo Alto residents, you will protect their interests as a form of collective insurance. In practice, this means that some of your fellow American workers or Palo Alto homeowners- the least sympathetic ones- will be protected by the national or local cartel at the expense of those that would contribute more in their place. This form of insurance, like any other, suffers from adverse selection & costs expected value. Unfortunately people find such insurance essential.

Every country does this somewhere. All civilizations today actively handicap their own progress due to dysfunctional decision making. Every single one in history has done this too. It's inherent to group decision making: whenever there's a mismatch between decision makers and those impacted by the decision, overrepresented decision makers will tend to extract value from the impactees underrepresented or not represented in the process. By way of example, consider what happened to schoolchildren during the global pandemic and how their interests were weighed against the adults who got to make decisions.

America just stayed ahead of the pack for a long time by doing it a little less than the rest. We'll see this century whether that will hold.

My final 2c: political involvement is rarely the best use of your time. The idiocy of your fellow man requires more effort to confront & has a lower chance of being triumphed against than nearly any other barrier in your life. If you think politics costs you money, spend that same time and energy raising your income. If you think politics costs you health, work on your health with the same time politics would take of you. If you think politics risks your safety, spend the same time and money politics would demand of you insulating yourself (maybe just move).

This is all a trap.

Edited 2/6/2025 03:46:11
problems with america: 2025-02-06 10:43:27

Level 40

  • Impose tariffs
  • Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) clearance, security practices and legacy

Tariffs are a bad idea as they’ll result in businesses charging more for their products to pay the tariffs or trade wars, causing an overall price increase, without any guarantee of people’s income increasing. The reason for tariffs is to protect American jobs. Tariffs don’t necessarily create domestic jobs as the demand for their products hasn’t increased, so why should they relocate? More industries as a whole would need to be established in America to create jobs that were lost due to relocation. Some incentive to make that happen may be needed, like tax relief or government funding. Tariffs aren’t the answer.

Further reading about tariff responses:

I suspect fines from these will be used to pay tariffs without product price increases.

Further reading about DOGE:
- downvoted post by Owl
problems with america: 2025-02-10 01:44:01

Darth Grover
Level 52
Oh man... this one is interesting.

I think I disagree with quite a bit of Dan's opinions tho not all of them.

I will type more later.

Edited 2/10/2025 01:44:12
problems with america: 2025-02-16 04:49:22

Darth Grover
Level 52
1. There are LOTS of publicly funded services in the US. In fact, some believe there are too many. In my opinion, the issue with them is more one of inconsistent oversight, and difficulties in fair distribution of them. The US is a HUGE country with a lot of people. Different parts of the country have different local cultures and socioeconomic makeups. The distribution of services to meet the needs of individual locales would be difficult in even a perfect world. Add the normal issues of bureaucracy and normal human corruption and you get a predictable result. There definitely ARE publicly funded services tho.

2. Making a general statement about business people supporting lobbyists seems like an incomplete point. What would be the preferred background of a politician? Being successful in business demands certain skills that could be applied really well to public service if one maintains a high standard of ethics. There are plenty of ethical business people. There are plenty of unethical business people. Why is this relevant?

3. I totally agree.

4. I don't know a single US citizen who wants to deregulate EVERYTHING. Your statement on this point is inaccurate.

5. There are plenty of Americans who have problems with hate speech. However, to make speech illegal is unconstitutional. US citizens are guaranteed the right of freedom of speech by the first amendment to the constitution. Personally, I would rather let people say stupid stuff out loud. It makes it easier to pick friends. Plus, people who feel like they aren't allowed to have a voice are the ones who will someday turn their feelings into actions instead. I'd rather have to listen to hateful words than have to worry about surprise hateful actions.

Just some thoughts.
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