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Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 18:40:34

żółta kaczka
Level 30
I've stopped playing here. I like the game but I like the most big maps. Sometimes after few days I'm back and I can continue map, but last weeks I lost 3 maps in row, which I have almost finished and they have vanished. Also - even if there was possibility to "come back to map and continue" - it was only on the same laptop that it has been started. Without possibility "to save the game" I don't see any reason to start any new game. Maybe there is some "save / load button" - this is why I'm asking.
Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 18:46:09

Level 40
Are you playing Idle or single player?
Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 18:47:45

Neo Monastic
Level 58
This happened to me many times in single player … so I echo your sentiments. Hopefully there can be a good solution to this. I lost a few single player maps where I had put in an enormous amount of work only to lose it 60% of the way through a massive map… very disheartening
Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 20:16:41

Level 63
Single player games are stored locally (in either your app or browser cache).

They should remain there until the cache gets cleared, which depending on your browser settings, might be as soon as you close the page.
You might want to add an exception to your browser so warzone.com data does not get cleared automatically.

Your idle and multi player game is stored on the server, so those are available whereever you use the same account.
Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 22:19:14

żółta kaczka
Level 30
Dear JK_3 - I know that and USUALLY it works (it is stored locally. But not always, sometimes happens some "exception" and it vanishes. So - if I don't have 100% sureness that I'll be able to come back to the game - I've lost patience and heart to this game. Also - it works only on the same laptop. If I am loged and I close game "being in the middle of map" I'd like to have possibility to come back on another laptop.

In this moment (1) if I don't have 100% sureess that game will not vanish (I don't clear memory, but sometimes it vanishes) and (2) if I don't have possibility to start map on one laptop and finish later on another - this is a reason why I gave up with that game.

I'm getting e-mails "Hey żółta kaczka! We haven't seen you over at Warzone for a while. We miss you!" but the truth is that I would like to play, but I feel as loser and sucker with all written above, so I'm only checking if possibility "save-load" is or still is not available. Without it - I understand that maybe with any other reason game will not give it to us - I don't see any reason to play. There is a login - according to me "what for is that login if it even can't recognize that it is me and can't give me finish what I have started?"

Quite sipmly for me...
Game save / how to stop a game and return later: 2025-02-02 22:25:51

Level 63
For saving single player games on the server, you will need to open a feature request https://www.warzone.com/Forum/f12-Feature-Requests

As for a temporary work around, you can add yourself and the AI players to a multi player game, that way the game is stored on the server. Downside to this is that you need to find a 2nd human to get the game started, they can then surrender on picks.
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