Any lawsuit updates since last time?
Nothing that can be shared, there is a trial scheduled in May.
Will the settings of the clan rumbles stay the same? Or will they have different settings every time?
The settings will stay the same, only the map will change.
The game will use the default distribution mode for the map.
Can you explain why the weekly map is going away?
We've had the Map of the Week for 10 years now, which is a good run.
There are some flaws with how it worked:
• One of the maps was the highest voted map that was created in the previous week
• One of the maps was the runner-up from previous week
• The other three were nominated by members
The issue mostly was that once a map was nominated, it could not be nominated again.
That mean that 4 maps every week would be eliminated from the pool of available maps.
After 10 years, there are only ~800 maps available for MotW, so it was time to end.
I would like to re-introduce it in a different/impoved way at some point, so if anyone has ideas for this, feel free to add some suggestions.
Can you add currently undocumented things to I made that page myself after someone printed that proxy type. I’d assume there is a WL.GameOrderPlayCardCustom.Create because all other play card orders do, but no idea on how to use it.
The way you play custom cards currently is via a mod hook that adds a game event.
This means that it's currently not possible to play custom cards from inside a mod.
If that is something you want you can create a feature request for it.
Would it be possible to shift frequently used Mods (or just practical Mods) to the regular settings?
The advantages would be:
- Much more structured settings (I find the Mod setting really chaotic with more then 100+ mods in one list)
- Mods will be used more often: availability for non-member players and does not cost any coins when used more often then once a week by a game creator. Might be good to shift some coin costing settings to the regular settings like is done now with the 40+ player games.
- To be sure, the new setting (read previously Mod) should be completely bug free combined with the other regular settings.
Possibly yeah, if its a really really high quality mod.
However, mods are currently also a member-only feature, which in turns makes them sell memberships.
I would love to get rid of membership and make everything free, but the game currently costs $1000 / month to keep running, and the money has to come from somewhere.
With regards to the long mod list, this is something that needs to be fixed at some point, but that is an issue on its own, and not a reason to turn mods into WZ features.
What kind of tech stack does WZ use?
WZ is mostly written in C#, it uses Unity for its apps.
The server is hosted on a JVM and the database uses Postgres and MongoDB.
Is it possible to announce in each update what kind of new Mods are added?
At the moment it is hard to keep track of any new Mods in the big MOD list.
It would definitely be nice to see a list of recently released/updated mods somewhere.
The current announcement in global chat is not very usable, because it only works if you happen to have chat open at that time.
This is a high priority thing for me to fix, so if someone added this to the feature request forum I would do it.
Maybe we even need Mod of the Week.
Editors note:
Will the coins from winning Clan Rumble be for just the players or the whole clan?
For the players in the game.
Do you have a girlfriend? If you do what are your long term plans?
I am married.
Can you do these on different days or times? They always seem to be on Monday at 11
I do these on a weekday at 10/11, since that is when Warzone is the most busy during the week.
I could try varying the times in the future maybe.
But until then, you can post your questions in this thread and watch it back later.
Can you add a category to feature requests for "Planned" or "Accepted" as a way of saying you'll work on the request but it isn't completed?
I'm not sure what the point of doing this would be? So people can redistribute their votes?
I will only mark something as completed when I actually have implemented the feature.
But that will just make it look like I am working on features with less votes.
In the same line of cleanup, could you spend a bit of time and decline stuff you can't or won't implement for whatever reasons and clean up the total number of requests, especially ones with more than a couple people spending votes on them.
If I am 100% sure I will never do something, I will have already declined it.
Otherwise, it might gain more traction in the future, so it can stay open for people to vote on later.
It's part of the system that there will always be more requests open than can be implemented.
What do we need to do with mods adding new cards? Do we put them in card packs (2 or more cards in the same mod) or a mod for each card?
Generally speaking I would say 1 card per mod.
If you think game host are going to use a set of cards together most of the time it might make sense to bundle them.
But if they do different things, probably them into different mods.
However, this is for mod makers to figure out themselves.
Because if a game host only needs 1 card out of a pack, they can just disable the other cards.
finally, is there any chance you'll allow mods to include other mods into the game once selected?
This is not something I'm currently intending to implement.
It creates some potentially really complex situations, so there would have to be a compelling reason for me to consider this.
I have a bug with my Vote To End mod.
The problem is that VTE is only available in regular MP games, so I can't test it locally.
But if I run it on the server, I can't see what the Server_AdvanceTurn_Start hook is doing because it doesn't print to the mod console anywhere.
Is there any way in which I can debug this issue?
Yeah I realize that this is a challenge. One thing you could do is write your logging into the public game data, so you can display it in the mod ui on the client.
How old are you? Do you plan to pass this game to someone else to take care of in due time or is there a plan in place of an accident?
I'm 42. I plan to keep working on WZ for the rest of my life, and if something were to happen to me, Mercer would have to take over.
How much money have you made from Warzone? Annual expenses of operations? Any plans to create a new game?
I already shared that the server upkeep is about $1000/month. I won't share revenue numbers.
WZ(I) are keeping me quite busy, so I don't plan on making a new game.
I do have design documents for several other game ideas I've had.
adding to Dutch's point of adding "Essentials" to modded games, imho any mod that adds special units that doesn't include Essentials is missing the incredibly useful "Unit Inspector" which gives valuable data about specials
Without this, you have keep switching between main game screen, Game/Settings/Full Settings to review what the specials do, and even then sometimes it's not obvious
Mods should do a better job at explaining what their special units do.
If there is any essential data about a custom unit, a mod should display that on its own.
Many people who use clan chat frequently feel as though they are now missing out. Since chatting in multiple chat can get tiresome very quickly it's not uncommon for people to feel like raffles are punishing them for using a clan chat instead of the global chat.
Raffles are for promoting activity in global chat. So they should only reward activity in global chat.
In the last AMA you stated that private games where no one joined from open games, you would not enforce warzone's rules on.
As long as nobody reports you, moderators won't review the game, so you won't get in trouble.
That still means you should not just violate the rules, because someone from the game might report you later.
Will you update your twitch description to remove the reference to UserVoice?
Yes, I forgot I linked it there, I will remove it. Thanks for letting me know.
Is it posting twice in a row intentional?
No, it is not. I guess the livestream stopped and started again, that is the only explanation I have for it.
Should be an option to invite all friends to a tournament at one time. For clan invites, perhaps not to avoid spamming but I got a friends list and I only use them to invite everyone to tournaments.
That used to be possible, but it just lead to people spamming everyone with invites, and caused it to eventually be removed.