Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 63
If one gets it from a wish from a being/DM who will twist things, better to play it safe but otherwise
1: I'd like to have perpetual invincible optimal health that I could end at any point, Don't want to be floating around for eternity as the last collection of intact atoms. Don't want to be immortal but get older and older, or have someone stick me in concrete and bury me in the ocean or even worse being forced to sit through a Justin Beiber concert for even half an hour without being able to end it. Also boredom could be an issue.
2: Shapeshifting. In particular with point 1. Humanity evolves, I can change shape to keep up. I can change to keep with changing ideas of what is attractive. Also I can pretend to age while still being an optimal 25 year old on the insides so I don't have to bounce as much as I stay the same age and arouse suspicions.
3: The ability to wornhole though time and space the former by doing a reset that doesn't impact on my existence. In particular with immortality. Humanity dies out? Go back to 4000BC and have a do over. Even without immortality, I wouldn't mind traveling but getting places is expensive, time consuming and uncomfortable. I could zip over to Africa or India for an hour or two, then have some Korean fried chicken for lunch then over to the Bovington Tank Museum for the afternoon, send the evening in the Rocky Mountains etc. This ability should come with the ability to far see so I can check out where I am going before I go, and to find places I am thinking of. I can do a mental google search for something and boom, I can see it and go there. For that matter if I want to meet someone, I can find their location and wormhole to their location.
4: The ability to tracelessly change databases so I don't get flagged as a 150 year old in the pension and bank records and other governmental records including drivers licenses etc.
5: To be the ultimate universal panty dropper. Oh she doesn't do that, well she gladly does for me, oh she is a lesbian who hates white dudes, but for me she is more than willing to make an exception. The sort of guy who would turn a boss bitch into a trad wife and a trad wife into a boss bitch just so they can make me happy. Girl is fanatically loyal to her husband, she will want to do me, and I am such a panty dropper that even the most jealous traditional minded husband will be totally OK with it, like when Peter Griffin from Family Guy was so happy when he found out his wife Lois did KISS. 5a: Extreme charm in general no homo
6: No limit strength with the ability to regulate it, park an aircraft on me, I can bench it off. Unlimited endurance. Extreme Dex. The intellect to understand even the weirdest and most complex math. 6a: The ability to speed read at seconds a page and to retain and understand it. 6b: The ability to learn athletic skills at will.
7: Linguistic ability, the ability to be native level fluent or forget a language at will. I could for example become fluent in Old Kingdom Egyptian with authentic pronunciation. 7a: In combination with the above time space wormhole ability, the ability to gain knowledge of lost literature, to learn and observe the past without having any impact.
8: Mind control. Be in Japan, have cops ask you for ID because I didn't change my appearance to a Japanese person. "There is no need for that" "Let's go there is no need for that" Get auditioned? All my paperwork is in order. Yes I see that it is.
9: The ability to create life. I want a Pallus Cat the size of a Main Coon cat, and extremely friendly as a short hair, well behaved. Boom. Create the perfect human companion[s]
10: The ability to gain information. Hmmm I'd like the blueprints for an affordable safe fusion plant. Poof there it is. I wonder where there is a large stash of illegal drug money. Oh there it is, wormhole over, yoink, thank you very much. I could keep an eye on the planet for major terrorist threats, nukes etc.
Combining these powers could let me do some fun stuff. I could go to Donald Trump and beat on him till he behaves, Ditty Vlad Poutine, Lil Kim etc... Or I could just use my mind control on them I guess.
Also it is good to be king, I see nobody has a serious claim on Antarctica. I figure with those powers, I could do that.
I am sure I am missing out on some stuff but that would be sweet.