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What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-29 22:28:19

Level 61
I'm new to map making, but for my first map I'm making I made the state of Oregon.

What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 00:07:01

Level 64
ive edited the list to include all of the links people have provided
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 06:32:28

[NL] Willem van Oranje
Level 57
I'm making a huge map of India
It's now in the testing fase, so it will be public soon

What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 07:10:20

Level 64
My Zelda map is finished, so im moving on to something new.

Ive been tinkering around with the Mega Man series, seeing if I can somehow turn the boss order of each game into a map https://www.warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=41507

Im also trying out another Zelda idea, having each of the 9 dungeons in the original game, first and second quest, in one map and somehow circle around to each other. i wanted my first Zelda map to include the inside of the dungeons (called levels)so that in a distribution mode, 9 players started inside a dungeon and had to work their way out to the over-world.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 07:27:04

Level 61
think a detailed London map could be very workable and fun
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 13:55:50

zxctycxz [Ollie Bye] 
Level 59
Like this?

What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 16:10:57

Level 59
That would be a good idea, you either do the whole of that map, which would be 'Greater London'. Or only the 'City of London' which is number 1 on that map.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-30 17:06:56

zxctycxz [Ollie Bye] 
Level 59
Well, I can't do either at the moment, I'm doing something else (https://www.warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=41751), but I hope you find someone to do it.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-31 05:50:20

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Lebanon is complete, and now I am moving on to syria:

Edited 3/31/2015 05:50:59
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-31 21:07:23

Level 64
I have put all of my projects on hold for this: https://www.warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=41950

Because i love pain.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-03-31 21:55:04

Level 59
Based Bane.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-02 03:33:03

Level 64
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-02 04:34:53

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
That is the most tedious project I have ever seen. I am surprised you have the patience for it.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-02 15:16:52

Level 64
it is
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-02 20:00:59

Level 46
I'm doing North America Diplomacy Map

What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-03 01:24:52

Emperor_MMC {TBC}
Level 56
is anyone making a map of the galaxy, well the map could be a real galaxy or could not be a real galaxy.

Its just an idea that i have thought of. Like such as the galaxy could be based on a sci-fi movie, game, or etc. And the map of the galaxy could have like around 1000 or 2000 territories that look like circles, the circles look like star systems that you can go to, and each territory has a bonus up to 1 income, to make the map interesting. also the map can be a ffa, diplomacy game, tournament, or a space zombie survival game (if you are a halo or mass effect fan lol).

That is my idea of a map of the galaxy. i have started making the map, but due to college and other things, progress is slow.
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-03 22:25:49

Level 64
...mario galaxy? :D
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-03 23:50:38

Level 54
I'm in favor of a complete Milky Way galaxy map with all 300(ish) billion stars. Even with 40 players and 10 picks each, I think every player would die of old age before even encountering another player. And that's if you play real time. I'm sure you could convince Fizzer to up the map size limit from 2MB to 2TB, right? Hah.

In all seriousness, post a link to your galaxy map! I want to see it :-)
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-03 23:53:32

Level 64
a 2 mb map would be amazing, the limit is 2kb
What map is everyone workin' on?: 2015-04-04 13:07:54

҈ * TeeMee123҈ *
Level 55
Considering how most maps don't get near the size limit and how little memory 2kb actually is, raising the limit seems an obvious thing to do. Fizzer might argue that you need loads of money (from new features which annoy everyone) to host the website and all the maps and games etc, but the maps really aren't using much data. I'm sure you could host all the maps with the free data allowance from Google Drive! Just one 1GB could host 200,000 5kb maps.

edit: Now I realise what is probably the issue. Loading large maps takes ages and can crash mobile devices or weak laptops. I don't know exactly how warlight loads maps for clients but it probably needs some work. If the map size limit was brought up then map makers would all make massive maps so people with weak devices couldn't load them and it would all go to ruin.

Edited 4/4/2015 13:12:28
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