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Mod - CardPack - OG (Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation): 2025-03-03 04:56:30

Level 63
The mod "CardPack - OG (Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation)" has gone live, it's Public and available for use

This is a Refresh of the original "Custom Card Package" by dabo1, and I love that mod so much that I updated it to make use of new WZ features that weren't available when he wrote the original. All the original features are included, but with the following updates.

[General Updates]
- implements Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation as actual custom cards, so the pieces & whole cards show up in your card list, get pooled together with your team in team games, play them like regular cards
- enable you to click on territories on the map to choose the target for Nukes & Isolation (rather than selecting from a list and having to find the territory name)

- has visual effects on the territory so you can see which territories have been isolated rather than just having to remember
- now shows up in the "Active Cards" dialog, indicating when the effects will end

- can now have a Duration, so you can make it last a few turns
- now shows up in the "Active Cards" dialog, indicating when the effects will end
- warning popup when you have Pestilence cast on you now only reminds the user once every 10 mins (not every 30 secs), and also when you commit your turn to ensure you know you're about to be impacted by Pestilence & can adjust moves accordingly

- added additional options to have either or both fixed damage & percent damage
- added a configurable blast range, so the explosion spreads out some # of territories, with a configurable amount of % reduction with each step
- can now specify the phase you want Nuke to apply during (Discard phase, Deployment phase, Bomb card phase, AttackTransfer phase, Receive cards phase, etc)
- so you can have a weak bomb that hits before players add Deployments and doesn't spread at all, you can have a medium explosion that hits during the Bomb card phase that spreads only to bordering territories, or you can have a ridiculously large Bomb that wipes out the target territory but immediately gets weaker to 20% damage and spreads 10 more territories, reducing in damage 2% with each step

Mod - CardPack - OG (Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation): 2025-03-04 00:33:56

Level 60
Looks neat
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