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Groups Functionality: 2025-03-04 17:31:16

M. Poireau 
Level 57

I'm enjoying having the new Groups feature available to organize players interested in, for example, a particular type of game.

But what can we actually DO with that?

For instance, is it possible to invite players to a game based on their participation in a group?

It would be really handy to be able to, say, start up a large game or tournament and invite all the players from the Group - that would make this grouping system actually really useful.

(Or does this functionality exist already, and I've just missed it?)
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-06 02:32:46

Level 63
It doesn't exist yet, but in the AMA that intro'd them, Fizz indicated he was interested in ideas for what Groups could be used for going forward

This is one such idea, so sounds like a feature request
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-06 02:38:40

M. Poireau 
Level 57
Thanks! This seems like a fairly basic but useful tool.
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-06 02:49:03

Level 63
Imho, groups as they are now are just ok

They offer a way to group chat/forum together based on a topic, but it's not linked to any other part of the game, you have to go bring up the chat or forum

Ideas like this integrate it into the game to make it Groups more than just a bolted on functionality within WZ
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-06 03:35:24

Level 59
Why was all the time, money, and work put into bringing groups into the game if there was no idea what they were there for? I mean other than as an excuse to pressure and phase out uncapped clans.
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-07 17:46:59

Rex Imperator 
Level 58
Groups Functionality: 2025-03-07 19:22:16

Level 63
I don't think it took long to create groups. Essentially if you combine clans (containers that have owners, has members, has invites), chat (group chat) & forums (group forum), you get groups. It's just a new interface for existing functionality.

Fizz said when he went live that this was just the initial intro of Groups, that the function would expand going forward and looked forward to suggestions for how Groups could be used to integrate into the rest of the game
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