Smoke Bomb Card testing: 2025-03-04 19:22:57 |
M. Poireau
Level 57
I posted some threads on modifications to the game's fog settings in play something like five years ago... and I'm thrilled to see one of those ideas come into being with the Smoke Bomb card!
So I've got a few games going with Smoke Bombs.
However, some issues are cropping up:
1. The smoke bombs seem to go off at completely unpredictable times - in terms of the play order, sometimes it's early in the turn, halfway through attacks/orders, sometimes it's at the end of the turn. Is that as intended?
EDIT: it looks like the card order appears in your orders list and then can be moved around, like some other mods (which is not how most cards normally work!). This is fine in theory, although easy to forget.
2. The Smoke Bomb is a great idea but it is almost useless without the ability to adjust duration.
For instance, if your Smoke Bomb goes off at the end of your turn... well, it gets cleared at the *beginning* of the next turn. So it has basically zero effect on play.
Even if you move it to the beginning of your attacks, you can't hide deployments with it, which seems like it would often be the main purpose.
Edited 3/4/2025 19:27:20
Smoke Bomb Card testing: 2025-03-04 19:35:08 |
Level 40
Do you have game links, or is it single player observations?
Smoke Bomb Card testing: 2025-03-04 20:01:44 |
Level 64
Warzone Creator
Sure, I'll move the smoke bomb so it can be played during the deploy phase instead of during the attack phase. This will allow you to obscure your deployments, and also prevent players from accidentally putting it after their attacks which I agree would make it nearly useless.
Smoke Bomb Card testing: 2025-03-05 01:18:21 |
M. Poireau
Level 57
Wonderful! Thank you.
It would add a lot of flexibility, as well, if we could adjust the *duration* of the effect.
That would allow some interesting options like keeping extended fog on a portion of the map, or other things that we already often do with the variable duration of other cards (like Recon cards).