Secret Rewards (obtained once:)
rank 1st Epic artifact
rank 2nd 100 AP
rank 3rd Inspire Mercenaries power
rank 4th Rare Artifact
rank 5th Free Cache power
BP plateaus
50 artifact
100 time warp power
200 common artifact
400 free cache power
800 uncommon artifact
1600 50 AP
3200 rare artifact
6400 inspire mercenary power
12800 300 AP
25600 epic artifact
51200 multi level power
102400 legendary artifact
There are NO battle rewards above the Legendary Artifact.
The FIRST EIGHT players to reach
102,400 BP and earn the LEGENDARY ARTIFACT are:
July 27, 2022 - WARTOG - legendary cache boost
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3bctgbic2INovember 29, 2022 - OTTO - legendary item values
https://www.warzone.com/Forum/660867February 19, 2023 - GUNK - legendary quadruple strike
https://prnt.sc/vEiMDvXl-SqXhttps://prnt.sc/rDuk81Tt7V7Zhttps://prnt.sc/P7DRghpO_6aAMarch 28, 2023 - IVAN2 - legendary money cache
https://imgur.com/CwCFZdHMay 13, 2023 - CRYPTIC - legendary resource cache boost
https://www.warzone.com/Forum/698520?Offset=0May 21, 2023 - FTWW - legendary resource cache boost
https://imgur.com/a/EijDsEEJuly 5, 2023 - DONKEY TEETH - legendary cache boost
March 8, 2025 - SARAHXXOXX
Please feel free to share your own WZIB Legends in ths thread.
NOTE: I have tried to meticulously verify all of the known accounts of Leg Artis. But since there is nothing in the game machinery that allows us to verify another player's Idle progress... Please remember to take a screen shot, if you can. Or document your success in some other manner.